"I will, sir," Ashford responded.

Thank you, Mama, Noelle conveyed with her eyes. Then she took Ashford's arm and let him lead her to the entrance-way door, where they donned their coats and stepped out into the cold night air.

"Your family is wonderful," she told him, as they strolled along the shrub-lined path.

"Too wonderful," he muttered with a frown. "Who do you think your father was referring to just now when he spoke of your captive audience? Blair and Sheridan were practically devouring you as the main course of their dinner. I'll have to speak with Mother about revising the seating arrangements before our next meal. I assumed that placing you as far away from me as possible would please your father, but the last thing I intended was to leave you in my brothers' clutches while I was at the other end of the table, too far away to protect you."

"Protect me?" Noelle began to laugh. "You needn't worry. Your brothers were perfect gentlemen."

"Only because my mother was there. But don't worry. Not only do I intend to rearrange things, I intend to speak to Blair and Sheridan. Tonight. After which, they'll cease to be a problem."

Noelle slanted Ashford a quick, assessing look. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were jealous."

"You'd be right." His jaw clenched. "And I'm not accustomed to feeling this way, so I'd rather not dwell on it."

"All right." Noelle fell silent—for a moment. "What were you and Papa discussing so intently?"

"You. His plans for you. My respect for those plans—and for you."

"Really." Noelle's brows arched in amusement. "Did you tell him about our kiss?"

"No." Ashford's jaw clenched tighter. "What I did tell him is my realization that boundaries must be set and not crossed. I explained how I watched both my sisters grow up and come of age, and how I helped my father ward off more lecherous advances from unprincipled rakes than I care to recall. I understood Father's protectiveness and concern. To a certain extent, I even shared them. So I understand your father's motivations as well."

"And you told all this to him?"

"Yes. I think it put his mind at ease."

"I see." Noelle stopped walking, inclined her head. "Lecherous advances. Wouldn't you describe a kiss as one of those?"

Ashford didn't look amused. "A kiss defies propriety. But it doesn't cross those boundaries I mentioned. At least that's what I keep telling myself."

"I'm glad." Noelle moved closer. "Then there's no reason why you shouldn't kiss me again."

Tiny orange flames flared in Ashford's eyes. "There's every reason why I shouldn't kiss you again." His arms drew her up against him, closed around her with relentless intensity. "Unfortunately, none of those reasons is going to stop me."

His mouth captured hers in a fierce, breathtaking caress, a combination of tenderness and desire that Noelle felt to the tips of her toes. She responded without hesitation, parting her lips to his seeking tongue, reaching up to grip his shoulders, to show him she wanted this as much as he.

Beneath the wool of his coat, Ashford's shoulder muscles tensed, and he seized Noelle's hands, dragged them up to entwine about his neck, bringing her flush against his powerful frame. The kiss exploded, Ashford's tongue plunging deep, again and again, stroking every tingling surface of Noelle's mouth before melding with hers. His left arm anchored her tightly against him, while his right arm slackened its grip, his fingers drifting up and down her spine, tangling in the thick sable tresses that spilled down her back.

Even through the barrier of her mantle, Noelle felt singed by Ashford's touch. She was burning and drowning all at once, and she never wanted to recover from either. She tightened her hold about his neck, beginning her own explorations by mimicking the motions of his tongue, learning his taste as he had hers.

When she took over the role of aggressor, slid her tongue into his mouth, Ashford went rigid.

With a harsh groan, he yanked his head up, ending the kiss, his breathing coming in short, shallow pants as he fought for control.

Noelle studied his tormented expression, her brow furrowed. "Did I do something wrong?"

A strangled laugh, followed by a hard shake of his head. "No, sweetheart. You did everything right. Too right. I don't seem to be able to maintain one shred of self-restraint when I'm around you." Ashford rested his chin atop her head, his arms still clasped tightly about her. "This is madness. Madder still is the fact that I don't know if I can stop it—or if I even want to try."

"Must you?"


"Why? Because of those boundaries you described?" Something about Ashf

ord's hesitation troubled her, and Noelle leaned back, watching him intently. "Is there some other reason?"

"There are several reasons." Ashford released her, turning to stare broodingly into the night. "Not the least of which is your father, his plans for your coming-out. I personally think the whole formality is nonsense, but that doesn't mean I won't respect Lord Farrington's decision. He's your father. And he wants you to follow customary protocol."