"That needn't concern you."

"I beg to differ with you," André countered. "I'm the one who provides you with the paintings behind which you conceal these masterpieces. I believe that entitles me to a few details."

"Fine. Then I'll provide you with them once they've been finalized." Baricci ran a thoughtful hand over his jaw. "As it stands, your part in this matter has already been completed. I'll simply use the painting you finished last month—the one intended to fit atop the Gainsborough. What's more, I have a week to finalize my plan. I won't act until Tremlett is safely ensconced at his parents' home."

"And what of your competitor—this mysterious thief who reads your mind and beats you to your prize? How do you know he won't also beat you to your next target?"

"Because this time my choice of paintings is not nearly as conspicuous as was the Gainsborough. On the contrary, it was acquired several years ago, so announcements of its purchase have long since vanished from the newspapers and ceased to be a topic of discussion among the ton."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

"Are you?" Baricci's chin came up, his features hardening as he regarded Sardo. "I'm touched that you've given my affairs so much thought, André. But let me put your concerns to rest. In the long run, I always prevail. Always. Never forget that."

"I never do." Carefully, André set down his glass. "It's the main reason I enjoy working with you so very much." He smoothed his palms down the front of his coat. "In any event, I shall now leave you to your planning. I have my own planning to do—planning I can hardly wait to put into place."

"Noelle is beautiful, isn't she?" Baricci commented with the kind of proud detachment one afforded a thoroughbred. "She's the image of her mother."

"If that's the case, I can see why you were so captivated. I know I am."

"Good." A smile played about Baricci's lips. "In that case, I can be assured of Noelle's allegiance. Just as I am of yours."

"Unquestionably." André's smile was equally practiced. "I never lose sight of what—and who—I need."

> "Or of who decides your fate."

André's smile faded. "I need no reminder of that." He walked to the door and opened it. "Good night, Franco. I'll expect to hear from you."

* * *

To Noelle, the next week felt more like a year. When, finally, she and her family climbed into their carriage and left Farrington, she was so excited she could scarcely stay in her seat. She resented each and every stop they made—posting their horses, staying overnight at a village inn—every delay was endless.

A day and a half later—a virtual eternity—they finally reached Northampton.

Chloe was almost as exhilarated as she, constantly poking her head out the window and exclaiming, "How much farther is it, Mama?"

"Just a mile or two," Brigitte finally replied, smiling at her daughter's enthusiasm. "I hope the duke's staff is equipped to handle your zealous arrival."

With a self-deprecating grin, Chloe dropped back into her seat. "I hope so, too."

"Chloe's not the only overzealous guest who's about to descend on Markham," Eric added with a meaningful look at Noelle.

Noelle sighed, rubbing the folds of her carriage gown between impatient fingers. "I can't help my excitement, Papa. This is my first official party—one in which I'll be included among the adults."

"Lord help them," Eric muttered. "And me." Laughing, Brigitte slipped her hand in his. "I don't think we need to worry over the guests' reaction to Noelle. She'll enchant them. She can't help but do so."

"That's precisely what I am worrying about," Eric retorted. "The Earl of Tremlett, for one, is far too enchanted already."

"Papa, stop." Noelle averted her gaze, staring out the window and watching the passing trees. "The earl and I hardly know each other."

"Try to remember that when you see him."

As if on cue, the carriage slowed, turning down a private drive.

"We're here." Chloe bolted up, poking her head out the window. "I can see Markham's iron gates; they're just ahead." A minute later her eyes widened in awe. "Look!"

They all stared as their carriage passed through the formidable gates and rolled onto the drive beyond.

"Oh, my," Noelle breathed.