“It appears so. You’d best hurry, before he discovers your seedy reputation and races back whence he came.” Chuckling at Thompson’s poisonous look, he folded his arms behind his head. “I shall patiently await your return. Don’t bleed the chap too badly.”

Thompson swore under his breath, then pasted a smile on his face as he exited for the front room.

“May I help you—ma’am?”

Whoever his female patron was, Pierce mused, Thompson sounded totally taken aback. She was either rife with gaudy jewels or blatantly available. Pierce grinned, listening.

“I hope so,” a feminine voice replied. “I was told you purchase fine jewelry. What can you offer me for this elaborate brooch?”

Pierce’s grin vanished, and he came to his feet like a bullet. That voice belonged to Daphne.

He took two strides forward, then checked himself. What the hell was she doing here? Before he charged out and dragged her from Thompson’s disreputable clutches, he had to know.

“Hmm,” Thompson was saying. “The brooch is well made, the pattern ornate. Did you have a specific price in mind?”

“I was hoping you would tell me.”

“I see.” Pierce could almost hear Thompson’

s slimy little wheels turning. “Well, let’s have a closer look. Ah, I didn’t notice this at first.”

“Notice what?”

“The stones are a bit cloudy. And the quality of the engraved gold?” A deep sigh. “Passable at best.” A pause. “I’ll be as generous as I can, my good lady. I’ll give you one thousand pounds.”

Daphne gasped. “A thousand pounds? Why, the brooch is worth more than three times that amount.”

“Really? Have you actually been offered that lavish sum?”


“You appear to be a sensible young woman. Also one who is eager, for reasons that are none of my concern, to sell your jewels here, rather than in a more appropriate, fashionable establishment in the West End. Therefore, I shall disregard my better judgment and raise my initial offer. I’ll give you fifteen hundred pounds for the brooch.” He sighed dramatically. “I’ll take a large loss, no doubt, but I always was a fool for a beautiful lady in distress.”

“You’re robbing me. I’m well aware of that. But I haven’t any—”

That did it.

Pierce lifted his chair and banged it loudly against the wall, not once, but twice.

“Shouldn’t you check to see what that commotion is?” Daphne asked, her voice fraught with the anguish of her decision.

“No. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

Pierce took an empty ale bottle and let it crash to the floor.

“Perhaps someone has broken into your shop!” Daphne exclaimed.

Thompson couldn’t wave away that possibility without arousing Daphne’s suspicions. “It’s probably some stray cats who wandered in searching for food,” he muttered. “But I’ll check. Wait here.”

A moment later he plunged into the back room.

“What the hell are you doing?” he whispered angrily at Pierce.

“Summoning you.” Pierce’s eyes were blazing. “Now the question is, what the hell are you doing?”


“You’re stealing that young woman’s money.”