She flung back the covers and climbed out of bed. Unlike her father, Pierce was continually urging her to be herself, to be an active participant, not a victim. Very well. It was time she sought answers, not the ones Pierce was yet unwilling to supply, but those that were within her grasp, those that would determine her future. She would go to the one person who’d never failed to help her, who, in his infinite wisdom, had comforted and guided her all her life.

Slices of morning sunlight illuminated the church when Daphne entered its modest walls. “Vicar? Are you here?”

“Good morning, Snowdrop. What a delightful surprise.” Chambers came to greet her, hands extended.

His smile vanished the moment he saw the fading welts on her cheek. “Why has Harwick struck you?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It most certainly does!” Instinctively, the vicar gripped her shoulders, as if to steady her with his support. “Are you all right? Are you suffering any ill effects from Harwick’s assault?”

Daphne shook her head. “None. Truly. The reason for my visit has nothing to do with Father. In fact, he’s in London until tomorrow, so I’m free to spend as much time with you as I like. I tried to collect Russet so he might join us in a jaunt to the school, but he wanted no part of me once he realized my plans involved abandoning the woods. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll try again. I so want to return to the children. I promised them another visit, this time with my fox cub. I’m hoping Mother will receive a delivery while Father is away, so I can bring the boots and woolen shawls at the same time, and—”

“Daphne,” the vicar interrupted quietly. “Why did your father strike you? Is it because of your visits to the church? Did he learn of them and retaliate?”

A pause.

Then, “Yes.”

Chambers inhaled sharply. “I want you to go home. Now.”

“You didn’t you hear what I said?” Daphne asked, clutching his arms. “Father is away until tomorrow.”

“But not all his associates are with him. If one of Harwick’s colleagues should see you here, he will doubtless report back to your father. I shudder to think how Harwick will react to your committing another offense, especially in light of this recent beating.”

“I’ve withstood Father’s wrath for twenty years,” Daphne replied. Touching her fingers to her cheek, she wondered for the umpteenth time how the vicar would react if he knew the true extent of her father’s brutality, the lashing wounds he purposely confined to places none could see. “I’ll continue to withstand what I must. I cannot stop seeing my friends, or helping those in need.” A soft smile touched her lips. “Then again, this whole discussion might be unnecessary.”

“Unnecessary? Why?”

“That’s the reason for my visit. I have something very important to share with you. In truth, I’ve wanted to tell you since it first began. Please. I know you’re busy, but may we talk for a few moments?”

“You have my ear for as long as you need it. You know that, Snowdrop.” Chambers gestured for Daphne to sit.

“Thank you.” Daphne lowered herself to the pew, turning brilliant eyes toward the vicar. “I don’t know where to begin. So much has happened. So much has changed. I’ve changed.”

He studied her intently. “Does this involve the gentleman we discussed last week? Pierce Thornton?”

She started. “Yes. How did you know?”

“One needn’t be a prophet to discern human emotion,” the vicar chuckled. “Your eyes glowed when you spoke of Mr. Thornton and your day at Newmarket. They’re glowing the same way now.” He sat beside her, took her hand between both of his. “Do you care for him, child?”

“Oh, yes,” Daphne breathed. “I care for him. He’s kind and gentle and—” She broke off, blushing.

“I think I understand.” The vicar cleared his throat. “Tell me, Daphne, what is your father’s reaction? I recall your mentioning there was some discomfort between Mr. Thornton and the marquis.”

“They despise each other.”


“Father has no notion I’ve been seeing Pierce. If he did, he’d kill me. Especially now.” She took a deep breath. “Vicar, Pierce attended the Gantry ball three nights past. He had a rather extraordinary announcement to make. He’s just discovered he’s now the Duke of Markham.”

Chambers blinked. “Goodness! That’s quite a discovery.”

“Evidently, the late duke was Pierce’s father.”

“And he never contacted his son to tell him so?”

Daphne hesitated. “No. Pierce was illegitimate. He grew up in a workhouse, then made his own way in the world.”