“Good. Then it’s time to have your nap.”

“Wait.” Daphne lay a restraining hand on Pierce’s arm. “Before you relegate me to my bed, you promised to hear what was on my mind.”

“Yes I did, didn’t I?” Sighing, Pierce resettled himself. “All right, Snow flame, I’m listening.”

“It’s about Sarah. Pierce, she misses James so much. And the way she speaks of him, I’m certain they were deeply in love.”

“Yet he deserted her when he found out she was with child.” Pierce’s jaw set. “You know how little use I have for that type of abandonment.”

“I know.” Daphne caressed his nape. “But suppose James has had a change of heart? Suppose he’s realized how unfeeling he was, and how much he misses Sarah?”

“What are you getting at?”

“Sarah told me that when she left Black’s, the London pub in which she worked prior to Benchley, she gave them her forwarding address. But that address is no longer valid. Nor has Viscount Benchley any clue that Sarah is currently employed at Markham.”

“Viscount Benchley?” Pierce gave a hollow laugh. “That bastard wouldn’t assist James if he did know Sarah’s whereabouts. Provide information to a common man? Inconceivable!”

“Then you’ll help me?”

“Help you do what? I won’t coerce the man to claim his child. If he hasn’t the character to do so on his own, then Sarah is better off without him.”

“Yes she is,” Daphne concurred. “I’d never ask you to do that. All I ask is that you send one of your numerous contacts to Black’s to leave word where Sarah can be reached. This way, if James does have honorable intentions he can carry them out.”

“Fair enough.”

“And one thing more.” Daphne raised appealing eyes to her husband. “If James should come forward, can we find a position for him here at Markham? Sarah is so happy here. The children adore her and so do I. I want her to stay.”

“Done.” Pierce ran his knuckles over Daphne’s cheek. “How can so delicate a woman have so tremendous a heart?”

She kissed his fingertips. “To be worthy of your love, it could be no other way.”

Scurrying footsteps from the hallway reached their ears, followed by the distinct sound of horses’ hooves.

“Your Grace.” Langley knocked purposefully. “An approaching carriage.”

Daphne leapt off Pierce’s lap and flung open the door. “Is it Mama and the vicar?”

Langley blinked. “I’m not certain. I raced here the moment I saw the carriage appear. ’Twas too far off for me to discern its occupants.”

“Then let’s do so together.” She turned to Pierce, who had come to his feet and joined them. “My nap will have to wait.”

“A short while,” he conceded.

Daphne reached the entranceway just in time to see Chambers assist her mother from the carriage. “Welcome, you two. At last.”

With a look of immense pride, Elizabeth hurried forward to embrace her daughter. “Oh Daphne, I can’t believe it. A babe.” She cupped Daphne’s face, carefully scrutinizing her. “You look wonderful. A bit peaked, perhaps, but glowing and happy.”

“As do you.” Daphne returned her mother’s inspection, amazed to see that, having shed her lines of suffering, Elizabeth looked a good ten years younger than she had scant weeks ago.

“Your missive said you’ve been feeling poorly,” Elizabeth murmured anxiously. “Is it severe?”

“Erratic. And sudden. The sickness and the lightheadedness strike abruptly, and disappear in the blink of an eye. In between, I feel splendid.”

> “Well, I’m glad you sent for me. For us,” she added, smiling at the vicar.

“Snowdrop.” Chambers took Daphne’s hands in his. “I’m delighted. May your child be blessed with good health and joy. He’s already blessed with two extraordinary parents who will love him or her with all their hearts.”

“Oh, Vicar, I’m so glad you’re both here.” Daphne hugged him. “I’ve been awaiting your arrival for days.”