“That was then. This is now. The pain’s a lot better. And I don’t have the time to lie around like a disoriented druggie. I have work to do.” Gingerly, she moved her arm, first up and down, then from side to side. “It feels fine. And I’m not losing any more time because of a stupid scratch.”

Derek didn’t bother contradicting Sloane’s absurdly downplayed description of her wound’s severity. “Then don’t take the Percocet. But you have to eat a decent meal. When I called earlier, Jerry said that all you’d eaten was tea and toast.”

“Speaking of Jerry, where is he? He’s supposed to provide security, not home health care. Besides, I’m not hungry. I’m nauseous.”

“That’s the meds.” Ignoring her protest, Derek rose and walked over to the kitchen counter. “I sent Jerry home. I’m now security and nurse’s aide rolled into one. So, back to food. I figure you should start with something light. I picked up chicken soup and a turkey sandwich. If you eat every bite and take your antibiotics like a good girl, then we can talk investigation—which I know you’re dying to do.”

Sloane shot him a disgruntled look. “Are you blackmailing me?”

“I prefer to think of it as an incentive.” Derek carried over the brown bag. “There’s a plastic spoon and napkins inside. Knock yourself out.”

“What about you?”

“I grabbed something at work.”


“I promise. Jeff got takeout for the squad. I ate a pint of lo mein and a ton of ribs. So I’m set.”

“Okay.” Sloane started with the soup, then began nibbling on the sandwich. She had to admit Derek was right. The food was not only easing her nausea but also clearing her mind and fueling her strength.

She began to eat with more enthusiasm. “Thank you,” she said between bites. “This was really sweet of you. Especially considering how bitchy I’m being.”

“You’re entitled. You went through a harrowing experience. But I see signs of the nonbitchy-but-type-A Sloane shining through. You’re on the mend.” A corner of Derek’s mouth lifted. “As for my being sweet, what can I say? I’m just an amazing guy.”

This time Sloane didn’t banter back. She simply leaned forward and softly kissed him. “Actually, you are.”

He deepened the kiss for a few seconds, then reluctantly broke it off. “Get better fast. I miss you.”

“Me, too. And there’s no need to wait.” Her eyes twinkled. “Injury or not, I’m very creative.”

“Don’t remind me of your creativity. I need a cold shower as it is.”

“Why? I just told you—”

“Forget it,” Derek interrupted. “I’m greedy. I want all your stamina back, and full use of both your hands.”

She gave an impatient sigh. “That’s the disciplined Army Ranger talking. Fine, we’ll wait—one night. I’m a quick healer. By tomorrow, I’ll be better than new.”

“In that case, we can spend the whole weekend in bed.”

Sloane’s brows rose. “That’s right. It’s Friday. Are you working tomorrow?”

“Nope. I’ve set everything I need to in motion, and I’ll keep my cell phone on. So I’m all yours.”

“I like that,” she admitted. “I feel as if we’ve been operating at warp speed, but at cross-purposes, since you moved in. We’ve barely had a private minute to talk, except about Bureau business. We haven’t had a quiet dinner alone, or even just hung out and listened to music. I was worried that living together would hurt our relationship by cramping our independence, but instead we never see each other.”

“It’s time we changed that.” Gently, Derek lifted Sloane’s right hand and kissed her palm. “We deserve a weekend to ourselves. How about a DVD and popcorn tonight, and the next two days in bed—or wherever we happen to be when the mood strikes?” He gave her that sexy grin that made her insides melt.

“Sounds like heaven.” And it did. Nonetheless, she knew Derek, knew the way his mind worked.

She gave him a you’re-not-fooling-me look. “Of course, besides sharing alone time, intimate conversation, and hot sex, this is also about your acting as my weekend sentry.” She reached over and popped one of her antibiotic capsules out of the foil packet, swallowing it with the water she’d kept on the coffee table. “And I don’t mean a caretaker to change the bandage on my arm.”

“You’re right.” Derek didn’t bother denying it. “After the chain of events you set in motion yesterday, and what happened last night, your parents aren’t the only ones who need bodyguards. In Xiao Long’s eyes, you’re no longer just an extension of your father—someone he needs to keep an eye on. You’re a major threat yourself.”


e considered Derek’s assessment, and nodded straight-faced. “No argument. I definitely need weekend security. Which works out fine. Because I’m dying to hook up with my bodyguard. So you’re welcome to stay as close as you want.”