“One of the gentlemen you’re investigating has an estate in East Hampton. It’s been brought to my attention that he has his own private art collection buried deep inside his manor. No one is permitted to enter. He keeps it under lock and key. I’ve been told he has good reason for that secrecy. The paintings he owns are all valuable, many of them priceless masterpieces. Sadly, they’re also stolen. I’m assuming that Special Agent Williams is with you now, being that you’ve put me on speakerphone. Am I correct?”

Rich didn’t miss a beat. “I’m right here, Liu.”

“Good. Then Agent Parker doesn’t have to waste time relaying my message. I know how eager you both are for justice to be done. It would be a shame for others to be sent to prison for the crimes of one. Especially Matthew Burbank. He’s already under arrest and suffering great strain—possibly beyond his endurance.” A poignant pause. “How is his daughter holding up? The poor woman must be at her breaking point. I know how close you two are, Agent Parker. Losing her would be tragic.”

Derek heard the underlying threat loud and clear. He gritted his teeth, fully aware that Liu wanted to get a reaction out of him. He wasn’t going to get it.

Sloane opened her mouth to cut Liu off. Rich silenced her with a hard shake of his head.

“Thank you for your concern,” Derek said in a calm, even tone. “Although I think you should reserve it for your own health. From what I understand, your time here is very limited.”

The barest hint of a pause. “I’m at peace. I’ve accomplished all I set out to. And my honor will be my legacy.”

“Good to know.” Derek didn’t pursue the point. “As for your tip about the East Hampton estate, I’m sure Special Agent Williams will take the necessary steps.”

“I doubt a phone call from me will suffice. But my sources tell me a package should be arriving at your desk within the hour. It will give you more than you need for a search warrant.”

“How considerate of your sources—and of you.”

“I’m glad I could help. Have a nice day, Agent Parker.”

The connection was broken.

“Unexpected,” Rich commented drily.

“Desperate,” Derek amended. “Liu knows we’re getting close. He wants Wallace to go down—fast.”

Sloane, who had remained unusually quiet, now spoke up. Her tone was strained as she strove for objectivity. “It’s no news flash that Liu wants to destroy Wallace. But he can’t fabricate a roomful of stolen paintings. We were just questioning what could be used to blackmail Wallace. It’s possible we just got our answer.”

Both men looked at her. “Why would Wallace associate himself with stolen paintings?” Derek asked.

“I don’t know. But Liu does. We’ve got to follow up on this lead.”

“I intend to.” Rich’s wheels were already turning. “I’ll call the assistant U.S. attorney and alert him to the fact that we’re going to need a search warrant fast. As soon as we see what’s in Liu’s package, we’ll act.” A quizzical look at Sloane. “You know Johnson better than we do. How hostile a reception should we expect when we march into his house with a search warrant?”

Sloane glanced down at her watch. “No reception at all. My father convinced Wallace to go to a museum reception in Soho. Other than possibly whizzing by each other on the parkway, we won’t be seeing him.” She swallowed. “We also don’t have to go through a whole production to gain entry. My parents have a spare key to his house. They go out to the Hamptons a lot over the summer. Wallace insists they stay at his place.”

“Sloane, this is going to be hard on you,” Derek said gently. “You don’t have to go.”

“You couldn’t stop me if you tried.” Sloane gave him a wan smile. “I appreciate your compassion. But I need to see this through.”


“Then I’ll make that call so our warrant will be ready when we are,” Rich said.

“Make that two warrants,” Sloane corrected. “Liu’s sources weren’t just Xiao Long and the Red Dragons. Not this time. Xiao had outside help. I vote for Cindy Liu. Between what we’re beginning to piece together about the roles that she and Peggy are playing in Liu’s operation, and the fact that Cindy just happened to have returned from a romantic weekend at Wallace’s place…”

“As an architect, she’d remember the layout of the manor well and make a mental note of any rooms that were locked tight and off-limits,” Derek finished for her.

“Exactly.” Sloane was already back on the computer. “Rich, you go make those phone calls. Derek, stick to your desk till that package arrives. I’ll call Diane and ask her to find out from my mother where in their apartment she keeps Wallace’s key. Someone from the precinct can pick it up and drop it off here at the security desk. I’m not leaving this computer until I find something—anything—on Peggy Sun. Digging for information on Cindy won’t do any good. Liu will have covered her ass in every way possible. But Peggy’s another story. He won’t have been as thorough with her. Which makes her vulnerable—especially since she’s up against me.”

Rich regarded Sloane with amused admiration. “I don’t envy Peggy Sun. She doesn’t stand a chance.” His gaze shifted to Derek. “Neither do you.”

“Not to worry. I give as good as I get. Plus, I love a challenge.” Derek shot Rich a quick grin. “Besides, I don’t know why you’re surprised. Tony warned you she’d end up being this case’s lead agent.”


The package Johnny Liu had described arrived twenty minutes later.