“How is that significant?”

“Because the corporate minutes show that that’s when the subject of Robert’s early retirement was finalized.” A pause. “Finalized being the key word here. It indicates that his stepping down was under discussion before that.” Another pause. “Months before that, given the dates I’m reading. And not just under discussion. There was a heated debate over the urgency of his exit.”

Simone’s brows drew together. “So much for our theory that Robert chose to go out with a bang—commercialize the technology and step aside when he was at the pinnacle of his success.”

“So much for our theory that he chose at all.”

“He’s being forced out.”

“Looks that way. Maybe his leadership isn’t as extraordinary as it appears to be.”

“Uh-uh.” Simone’s people-whisperer skills kicked in. “He’s an extraordinary leader. His employees think he walks on water, at least most of them do. Terri, this isn’t about Robert’s abilities. It’s about him. If his retirement was a board decision and not his own, it’s because of sexual misconduct. I picked up on it from the onset, and given the ages of the women he’s discarded, this has been going on for years. Even though none of the women involved has filed an official complaint, it doesn’t mean the board is unaware or that settlements weren’t made wrapped neatly behind ironclad confidentiality agreements.”

“And if they are, they’d politely ask for his resignation with the implied threat of something ugly if he refused.” Terri let out a low whistle. “If we’re right, he sure as hell found a great way to exact his revenge—and to stay rich and relevant. He’d be taking himself out of the equation and taking the technology along with him.”

“What about how he orchestrated the theft of Nano’s IP?” Simone demanded. She felt like throwing up. “He planned out Lauren’s kidnapping to force Vance’s hand so he could get what he needed to start over. My God, he has children and grandchildren of his own. What kind of monster is he?”

Simultaneously, the reality of the situation hit Simone like a ton of bricks. There was no point in adding Robert’s name to the TSA No Fly List. He and his corporate jet would be disappearing along with his girlfriend before the FBI could sort everything out. She and Terri had anticipated everything, except for Robert.

Terri’s mind was clearly on the same wavelength. “We’re screwed,” she said. “Right now, all we have are theories and speculation. Nothing the FBI could go after Robert for and certainly not before he would escape. We need concrete evidence.”

“I’ll get it.”

“Wait,” Terri interrupted her quickly. “Simone, we’re playing by different rules now. If Robert is the brains behind Lauren’s kidnapping, he’s a lot more dangerous than a mole. You can’t just march in there and confront him—not without reinforcements.”

“What are you talking about?” Simone demanded. “We can’t notify law enforcement. Zermatt doesn’t officially exist. Plus, everything we’re doing here is way outside the law.”

“There will be no interaction or visual sightings.” Terri’s tone was factual but adamant. “I’m calling Marc, having him amend the plan he has with SA Albertson. I want the Feds on-site just in case.”

“I can’t meet with an FBI agent.”

“You won’t. I’d never compromise either your or Zermatt’s anonymity. Get Robert’s confession and I’ll record it as planned. I’ll upload it onto a secure drop box so the FBI will have the evidence it needs. And to protect your identity, I’m going to have Donovan alter your female voice into a male voice. ‘Simone’ will become ‘Simon’ on the recording. It doesn’t matter if Robert or Jia li uses your name, because the pronunciations in French sound very much alike. Donovan will also convert all female pronouns to male pronouns. In the meantime, do you have that extra phone I sent you?”

“Yes. You told me to keep it on hand.”

“I’ll call you and pretend I’m SA Albertson. In reality, I’ll be notifying you when Marc tells me that Albertson has left the restaurant. That’ll be your five-minute warning to get out. Albertson will take over from there on.”

“He’ll have no grounds to take over—at least not yet. He won’t have instant access to Robert’s confession, nor will he have the manila envelope I’m getting to him to implicate Xu Wei. He doesn’t have a clue what’s transpiring, and even if he did, his hands would be tied.”

“That will all be fixed.”


“Trust me. Do you have your anti-static gloves?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t handle the envelope without them.”

“Also have a pen on hand. We’re going to add a note to Agent Albertson’s delivery, providing him with the location of the drop box.”

“All of which I’m delivering where, if Agent Albertson is leaving the steakhouse? No matter what, he won’t have it in time for him to go in and arrest Robert now—”

“Simone, listen to me because we’re running out of time. You just get that confession. I’ll work with Marc and provide you with an action plan when you and I talk on the burner phone. We’ll make this as seamless as possible, given that Robert is a flight risk. But you’re right—the order of things is backwards and Albertson isn’t about to storm the place without evidence, warrants, and all the other legal crap our team bypasses. So we’ll move as fast as we can to rectify that. In the meantime, we’re already breaking protocol. Aidan will be livid. And we are not jeopardizing your life.”

Before Simone could respond, a muffled oath came from inside the apartment.

“Goddammit, that’s it.” Robert’s tone said he’d reached his limit. “We’ve waited long enough. Text Xu Wei. Find out where he is. Better still, give me your phone. I’ll call him.”

“That’s my cue,” Simone announced. She was already in motion, grabbing her tote bag, which contained her gun, burner phone, gloves, writing essentials, and the manila envelope. She pulled off her headset, placed her current cell phone on the console, and reached for the door handle. “Do what you have to. I’m going in.”