“Hello, ladies.” Aidan’s voice was laced with satisfaction and still thrumming from his adrenaline high. “Just wanted to let you know we’re airborne. Marc and I should be landing with Lauren at twenty-one hundred hours—nine o’clock Pacific Standard Time—give or take air traffic and customs.”

“You’re all safe?” Simone demanded.

“All except the Albanians. They won’t be sending out Christmas cards this year—or any other year.”

A chuckle from Terri’s end. “A shame.”

“Yeah, life sucks.”

Amusement gone. Urgency back.

“We’re wrapped up at this end,” Aidan said. “Is the bug in place?”

“Ready and waiting,” Simone replied.

“Good. You’re out of harm’s way?”

“Yes, and in record time. The magician’s daughter hasn’t lost her lock-picking talent.”

“Never doubted it. Terri, send that text.”

“Already composed.”

A second passed as Terri hit the send button. “Gone.”

“Terri, now that Lauren is safe, it’s time to bring down the remaining people involved. Add all the suspects to the TSA’s No Fly List.”

“Will do. We should see action very soon, followed by audio confirmation of who at Nano we’re dealing with. Once that happens, I’ll add the mole to the No Fly List, as well.”

“Nice work, both of you,” Aidan praised. He paused, his mind veering to his immediate concern. “Simone, stay in that car. And don’t use your weapon unless it’s absolutely necessary. In America, civilians have an obligation to attempt to flee from danger rather than standing their ground. You’re not in your home, where those laws are different. I don’t want you in danger. Nor do we want the fallout if you have to defend yourself.”


Aidan ignored the patronizing tone of Simone’s reply. “I’m texting you contact information on a pal of Marc’s who handles industrial espionage at the FBI San Francisco field office—Special Agent Jeffrey Albertson. Without providing specific details, Marc’s asked him to hang out in Palo Alto tonight. He got him a reservation at Sundance the Steakhouse and bought him a prime rib dinner with all the trimmings in exchange for his availability. So he’ll be close by.”

“Sundance the Steakhouse?”

“Yup. Odd name, but the best steakhouse in Palo Alto. If push comes to shove, don’t hesitate to reach out to him.”

“Push won’t come to shove. But having his nearby presence will make you feel better.” Simone went on to fill Aidan in on what Terri had found and what they’d done.

Aidan let out a low whistle. “Terri, have I told you lately how indispensable you are?”

“Not often enough.” Terri’s voice was filled with smug satisfaction.

“Well, you are. After you wrap up there, Simone can deliver the evidence to the maître d’ at the restaurant and ensure that he passes it along to SA Albertson.”

“I’ll do that,” Simone said.

Simone’s terse answers finally elicited a response from Aidan. “Don’t be a cowboy, Simone. I mean it.”

“Bon. Besides, I am French, not American. We don’t have cowboys in France. And if we did, I’d be a cowgirl, n’est ce pas?”

Aidan rolled his eyes, realizing it was pointless. Simone was going to do things her way.

“Changing topics,” Simone said, “thank Marc for taking care of you by addressing your unnecessary concerns. Now, can you fill us in on the rescue mission?”

“I’ll conference back in a few minutes. Right now, I’m setting Lauren up for a videoconference with her parents. I called them on our way to the airport, so they know she’s safe. But they need to hear and see their daughter.” A pause. “And I need to call mine.”