“Exactly.” Aidan’s grin was back. “Nothing beats make-up sex. I’m a lucky guy. Which remi

nds me, does Maddy know you’ll be home tomorrow? Or are you surprising her?”

“Oh, she knows. She’s preparing a welcome home celebration—just the two of us. I wouldn’t want to deprive her of that.”

“Of course not.”

Both men laughed.

Abruptly, Aidan sobered, and he put a hard hand on Marc’s shoulder. “It was great working with you, Frogman. I might have to call on you again some time.”

Marc sobered, as well. “Sounds good, Leatherneck. I’ve got your back.”

“I know. And I’ve got yours.”


Offices of Forensic Instincts

Tribeca, Manhattan, New York

4 March

Monday, 9:00 a.m. local time

For the first time in ten days, the entire Forensic Instincts team was reunited, gathered around the conference room table.

“Nice tan,” Casey said to Emma, sipping her coffee and going for the weakest link to try and get some inside info.

With that, both Claire Hedgleigh, FI’s claircognizant, and Patrick Lynch, the team’s security expert, leaned forward. Besides Casey, they were the only two team members who’d played no part in the past week’s adventure. Now they were eager for intel.

“Thanks,” Emma replied, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “But don’t waste your time pumping me. I only know the Bluejacking part Aidan already told you, plus every ride and attraction at Disneyland. Other than that, I’m clueless. And exhausted. Running after Abby helped me lose three pounds in spite of all the junk I ate.”

The team chuckled.

“Okay,” Patrick interceded. “Ryan? Spend any quality time in your lair last week?”

Ryan leaned back in his chair, bending his leg at the knee and resting it on top of the other. “It was an interesting week.” With that, he popped a piece of blueberry muffin in his mouth.

“That’s it?” Claire demanded. Other than the cryptic conversation Ryan and Marc had had while she was in Ryan’s bed, she’d learned nothing from him. “You must have something to toot your own horn about. You always do.”

A corner of his mouth lifted and he continued to chew. “I’ve been told by the best that I’m brilliant. That’s all I have to say.”

“By the best, do you mean Aidan?” Casey asked.

“C’mon, boss. You know you’re the best.” Another bite of muffin, chewed slowly, then swallowed. “Too bad I missed the great weather Emma soaked up. I had to brave the New York winter and miss out on Cali by working long distance. Sucks for me. But no complaints. Life is good.”

Casey rolled her eyes, turning to her last—and most unlikely— source. “Marc?”

“Nope.” He barely lifted his lips from his coffee cup to utter the word. “Nothing to say,” he finally added.

“Really.” Casey put down her coffee cup, interlacing her fingers on the table and giving Marc a penetrating stare. “I’ve been watching this weekend’s breaking news. Specifically, that industrial espionage story involving NanoUSA—you know, that mega-giant in Silicon Valley where Emma did her Bluejacking—and Jítuán in Shenzhen. Both CEOs are implicated. And, apparently, it goes deeper than that. Phrases like Albanian organized crime and overseas kidnapping of a NanoUSA executive’s daughter are gathering speed.”

“Are they.” Marc didn’t blink.

“Funny thing,” Casey continued. “I did a lot of digging—on my own, since Ryan seemed reluctant to help—and there doesn’t seem to be a shred of information on how that young woman was safely rescued. It’s almost as if a ghost SWAT team blew in and out, leaving no trace of themselves behind.”

Marc kept his same look without reply.