Lina’s eyes widened through her tears. “Danger? What kind of danger? From whom?”

“That’s what we’re trying to find out.”

“Oh, God.” More tears. Then a question. “They came to you together? I thought you said none of us knew about the others.”

“You didn’t. The two of them just learned about each other a few weeks ago, and it was by pure chance.”

“Do they know about me?”

“As of an hour ago, yes. Claire and Emma told them. They’re as stunned as you are. But they really want to meet you—if you’re up for it.”

“They’re local?”

“One of them lives near the city, yes. The other flew in so she could be here.” Casey continued to keep the details impersonal, offering Lina only as much as she could, and wanted to, handle.

Sure enough, Lina’s mind shifted to the ugly part of this truth, and she stiffened. “Did my parents have triplets? Or are they not even my parents? Is everything a lie? Did the other two… Did my sisters’ parents know?”

“Neither set of parents knew that triplets were involved. They adopted their daughters in good faith and raised them with the knowledge that they were adopted. They were as stunned as their daughters were to find out the rest.”

The tears were now flowing down Lina’s cheeks. “My parents told me stories about my birth. They said I was theirs. And that I was their one and only.” She lowered her head and covered her face with her hands. “Either way, they’re lying to me. Either they had two other babies that they farmed out or I was also adopted and they made the rest up. Oh, God.”

This time, Casey just laid a hand on Lina’s arm. “We spoke to your father this morning. In fact, we just came from Todt Hill.”

Lina’s head came up. “What did he say?”

“Not much.” Casey refused to be less than honest. “He shut us down, refused to provide a DNA sample, and threw us out.”

As Casey spoke, Lina searched her face. “You think he was lying.”

“Not completely. I think he was stunned by the news that you were a triplet. But I think he knows a lot more about the circumstances of twenty-seven years ago than he’s willing to say.”

“So he isn’t my natural father.” Lina stated the fact in a wooden tone. “At the same time, he also isn’t involved in trying to hurt my… sisters. That’s what you’re saying.”

Casey gave an uneasy nod. “That’s my gut instinct, yes. But even if I’m right—”

“That doesn’t mean he wasn’t involved in something suspicious surrounding my birth.”


For a long moment, Lina said nothing, just gazed down at her lap, grappling with an overwhelming and incomprehensible reality. Then she raised her head.

“I want to meet my sisters.”

Green Hills Cemetery

Brooklyn, New York

11:40 a.m.

Joseph was already seated on the bench at Angelo’s mausoleum when he heard Jimmy’s footsteps. He glanced up, seeing his own grim expression mirrored on Jimmy’s. Clearly, Angelo’s brother realized something serious was up.


down,” Joseph said.

Jimmy complied. “What is this about?”

Rather than answering the question, Joseph replied, “Let me remind you that Angelo asked me to look out for you all these years. I gave him my solemn promise that I would. And I’ve kept that promise. I’ve provided you with everything Angelo requested. In addition, since his death, it’s been on my shoulders and my shoulders alone to keep you safe. I’ve done that, as well.”