“I’ll keep you posted.” Ryan ended the call, pressing Patrick’s cell number even as he continued typing Jimmy Colone’s name into his laptop.

“What do you need, Ryan?” Patrick answered, his tone saying he already knew it would be something crucial.

“I need you to get to Angelo Colone’s mausoleum.” Ryan rattled off the address. “Evidently, Colone has a younger brother, Jimmy. Joseph Brando is meeting him there in less than an hour to talk about the two other triplets he knows nothing about. I need ears on that conversation.”

“I’m on it.” Patrick was already on the move. “I’ll check in when I have something.”

Once again, Ryan disconnected his call and went back to his research. Getting info on the mob was tricky. Backdoor channels were necessary.

Ryan bypassed the obstacles quickly and efficiently.

Not much on Jimmy Colone. He was seven years younger than Angelo, and as Ryan’s info revealed, he’d been a schoolyard fighter and a “potential” drug user, all, of course, with no formal charges and no proof.

Ryan skimmed that data and dug deeper.

Abruptly, he sat up straight. Jimmy had disappeared off the grid, off the map, and was totally invisible since he was a kid of eighteen. Which was exactly twenty-seven years ago.

He’d vanished a month after Anthony and Carla Ponti were murdered.


Offices of Forensic Instincts

10:50 a.m.

The twenty-five-minute drive from Todt Hill to Tribeca gave Casey and Marc enough time to accept delivery for the deli platters Casey had ordered for their light lunch and arrange everything in FI’s modern kitchenette.

A short time later, the doorbell rang.

Hero picked up his head and woofed.

“I’ve got it, boy,” Casey said, heading straight for the front door. She’d already disengaged the Hirsch pad by the time Yoda announced: “Angelina Brando has arrived.”

“Thanks, Yoda.” Casey opened the door, her chest constricting when she saw the happy, beaming young woman standing there.

“Hi,” Lina said, giving Casey a warm hug. “This was such a great idea. Lunch with the team. I can’t wait.”

“We’re so glad you’re here. Unfortunately, so are only Marc, Hero, and I. Everyone else will be arriving shortly. Why don’t the few of us sit in the small conference room and talk? The food’s all set up and ready to eat when the whole crew shows up.” If you have any appetite at all once we’ve talked.

“Sure.” As always, Lina was open and trusting. It would never occur to her that this would be anything but a social gathering.

Casey felt the heavy weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. It was up to her to keep this wonderful young woman in one emotional piece.

“Hey, Lina.” Marc was already in the conference room, and he rose, giving Lina one of his rare smiles. He stuck out his hand, but in usual Lina fashion, she bypassed it and gave him the same big hug she’d given Casey.

“Hiya, Marc. Thanks for inviting me.”

“It’s always good to see you.” Marc walked over to the credenza. “What’s your pleasure?”

Lina grinned. “It’s too early for wine, or I’d have some to celebrate everything from my dad’s victory to this ge

t-together. But I’ll settle for a Diet Coke.”

Marc fished one out of the fridge, poured it in a glass, and added some ice. He then brought over the glass and handed it to Lina.

“There you go.” He glanced at Casey. “Bottled water?”
