It was so cool hanging out with Lina, Brianna, and the five other friends Lina had invited. One of the guys was so hot that Emma had to remind herself of her mission so she didn’t get off track and try to hook up with him. Still, once her job was done, she might find a way to give him her cell number.

In the meantime, she was glad that three of the five friends were male. That eliminated them as contenders for the bathroom. Men had bladders like camels, and Emma always lamented the fact that there were long lines outside every ladies’ room in the world and none outside the men’s rooms. Men’s rooms should be reduced in number. Ladies’ rooms should be doubled.

She’d already scouted out the party arena and spotted two bathrooms—a small powder room just inside the front entranceway and a large bathroom in a vestibule off the living room. That one was her target. A powder room attracted a single occupant who just wanted to get in and out. A spacious bathroom invited schmoozing and reapplying makeup, which meant going in pairs—something women were famous for.

Emma didn’t want to waste time. That way, in case her first attempt to get Lina in there failed or the bathroom was occupied, she’d get a second chance. She prepped herself, staying close to Lina’s side without being obvious. Timing was everything. She needed to accomplish this in a swift, whispered request.

As good luck would have it, two women with freshly applied makeup and perfectly brushed hair emerged from the vestibule bathroom. This was Emma’s shot.

She turned quickly to Lina.

“I’m not used to being at such a high-powered party,” she murmured in a small voice. “My nerves are so bad I think my makeup is melting and my hair is stuck to my neck. Would you mind coming with me to the ladies’ room and helping me get it together?”

“Of course not.” Lina, ever kind and generous, agreed at once. “Although you look great. But let’s go.” She turned to the others with a twinkle in her eye. “Excuse us for a minute. Emma and I are going to get even more beautiful.”

“As if that’s possible,” Liam Banks, the hot MBA student Emma had her eye on, spoke up. He was responding to Lina’s words, but his gaze was on Emma.

She smiled at him—a melting, let’s-talk-later smile. She was so going to hook up with this guy. But for now, her attention had to be on the major task she’d volunteered for.

Lina led the way to the vestibule and into the bathroom, locking the door behind them.

“Will you redo my makeup?” Emma asked, pulling out her mascara and lip gloss and waiting for Lina’s nod. “I’m all thumbs.” She almost grinned at the irony of that comment. Her fingers were as deft as they came. “Sorry I’m being so immature,” she added, going for a piece of the truth. “But I want to look good for your friends.”

“Any friend in particular?” Lin

a was grinning as she took the makeup Emma handed her and began reapplying a touch of mascara to Emma’s lashes. “Like Liam, for instance?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“On both your sides, yes.” Lina stood back to admire her handiwork. “He’s a great guy. And he’s so into you. Go for it. I’ll do my part to help it along.”

“Thanks.” Emma’s reply was barely understandable, given that Lina was gliding the lip gloss applicator across her lips. But Lina got it. And she looked very pleased with the opportunity to make this happen.

“Perfect.” Lina handed Emma her makeup and nodded her approval. “Now I’ll do mine. Then we can brush our hair and get back to fixing you up with Liam.”

Emma opened her purse, easing the unused envelope to the top and opening the flap as she removed her brush. She glanced over at Lina, who was staring intently into the mirror as she reapplied a dab of color to her cheeks.

“Uh-oh,” Emma said, frowning as she came up behind Lina and inspected her hair.

“What is it?” Lina looked up.

“Nothing serious. Just a pain-in-the-ass gray hair.”

“A gray hair?” Lina looked appalled. “Are you sure?” She pivoted around, gazing over her shoulder and squinting as she tried to spy the culprit.

“Yeah, I’m sure. It’s way in the back. You won’t be able to see it.” Emma sighed and rolled her eyes. “It sucks when one of those shows up.”

“You’ve had gray hair before?” Lina asked incredulously, still trying to get over the horror of it all. “You’re practically a baby.”

“I’ve had one or two, right in the front, and they stood out enough for me to see even though I’m blonde. Your hair is gorgeous and dark, so it sticks out.” Emma moved in for the task at hand. “Let me get rid of it for you.”

“Please.” Lina looked ready for battle. “I’m mortified.”

“If you don’t want it to grow back, I’ll have to pull it from the root. It’ll hurt for a sec, but you won’t have to deal with it again.”

“I don’t care how much it hurts. Please just get rid of it—all of it,” Lina pleaded.

“Okay, just stand really still.”