“Yeah,” Aidan answered, seeing his brother’s name flash on his screen.

“You sound bored,” Marc said. “I guess you’re already at the party.”

“Good guess. Where are you guys?”

“On our way. Listen, I need you for five minutes as soon as we’ve said our hellos.”

“No problem. I have a picture to give you from Abby, anyway. It’s of you, Maddy, and her, and she made you about ten feet tall since she hero-worships you. So you’d better hang it on your fridge tonight and text us a photo of that or I’ll be forced to beat the shit out of you.”

Marc chuckled. “I’d do it without the threat. Anything for our little princess. So you’ll be available?”

“I’ll meet you at the bar.”

“See you there.” He punched off. “Done,” he told the team.

“Great.” Casey picked up her purse, then squatted down to snap on Hero’s leash. “Time to get going. We’ve got a lot to accomplish in a few short hours. And the clock is ticking.”


The Brandos’ house

Todt Hill, Staten Island

The iron gates marking the entranceway to the manor were slightly ajar, and there were two security guards flanking either side of them, holding clipboards with lengthy “subject-to-verification” guest lists. Marc pulled the van up to one of the uniformed men, and the entire team proceeded to produce various forms of photo IDs until they’d satisfied the necessary requirements. At that point, the gates swung open, and Marc drove up the endless serpentine driveway until he reached the front of the house.

“Geez,” Emma said in amazement. “This place is a palace. I can’t believe Lina grew up here and she’s not a total spoiled brat.”

As she spoke, a uniformed guy in his early twenties ca

me around and assisted them all out of the van. He took Marc’s valet key and handed him a coin with the name “Brando” etched on it as a receipt. He flashed them a courteous smile, hopped into the driver’s seat, and drove off to park the van.

“It’s a good thing they have valet parking,” Ryan noted, gazing around and wrapping Hero’s leash around his hand. “Otherwise we’d be walking a mile. There are at least fifty cars parked on the outside blacktop, and a ton more around back where those garages are. The grounds are massive. Talk about rich.”

Casey was already leading the way to the front door. She’d seen this kind of wealth before, with some of FI’s clients. And it didn’t impress her.

Claire glanced around but remained silent. She’d grown up in this kind of wealth, and she knew it didn’t buy happiness. Her childhood in Grosse Point had been painful, with parents who didn’t understand or encourage her gift and who were more than a little relieved when Claire had taken the hint and gone her separate way, relieving them of the burden of explaining their eccentric daughter who didn’t fit the mold. It was a childhood that Claire didn’t discuss much, not with anyone. But it had definitely left its emotional scars.

The front door was open, and the whole team congregated in the lobby, waiting to be either announced or frisked. Instead, a squealing Lina rushed over to them. She looked exquisite, in a red cap-sleeve bandage dress that must have cost a fortune.

“You’re here!” She gave each of them a hug—even those of them she hadn’t yet met—and then squatted down to stroke Hero’s ears.

“You’re such a handsome boy,” she praised him. “My aunt and uncle have a golden retriever named Frisbee who’s here today. There’s a fenced-in portion of the yard for you guys to play in and lots of gourmet dog treats for you to eat. I even hired a doggie sitter to supervise you so we know you’ll be safe.” She raised her head and gazed quizzically at Casey. “I hope that’s okay?”

“Are you kidding?” Casey laughed. “Hero will probably want to move in.”

“I’ll head out and play ball with them for a while, too,” Ryan said. “The exercise will do me good. And besides,” he said with a grin, “I’d love an excuse to unknot this tie—even for a half hour.”

Lina’s smile was infectious. “My dad feels the same way. He’ll probably go with you if he can slip out for a bit.”

Everybody chuckled.

An attractive woman in a stunning Valentino embroidered-tulle cocktail dress hurried over to greet them. “You must be the wonderful investigative team Lina keeps raving about.” Emma recognized her immediately from the photo in Lina’s apartment. “I’m Donna Brando,” she said. “Welcome to our home.”

“Thank you for having us, Mrs. Brando.” Casey shook her hand. “I’m Casey Woods. Congratulations on your husband’s victory.”

“Hopefully, one of many to come.” Introductions and handshakes all around, plus a gentle pat for Hero. “And please call me Donna. Mrs. Brando is my mother-in-law.”

She gestured toward a wing of the house, one that was jammed with guests, all dressed like something out of a designer catalog, all talking and laughing in full party mode. Uniformed servers were weaving their way through the crowd with hot and cold hors d’oeuvres. And the champagne was flowing.