“And if I talk to you? I’ll go to jail and he’ll still find a way of getting to me.”

“We’ll keep you out of jail—but only if you cooperate.”

“Why would you do that? What I’m doing is illegal.”

“Because our job is to protect Dani and Gia. Not to turn in some part-time hacker. But all that could change if you don’t start telling us what we want to know.”

“Gabe,” Claire added softly. “Do it for Dani. Her life is in danger, and you know it. You didn’t before, but you do now. You love her. So help protect her.”

Briefly, Gabe shut his eyes. When he opened them, there was resignation written all over his face. “The guy calls himself Al Carp. I’m sure that’s an alias.”

“What does he look like?” Marc demanded.

“He dresses like he works on Wall Street. But there’s something about him—he’s scary, really scary, in a way that makes my blood run cold. Thick muscles, cruel features—he looks like a hitman from an old movie. He approached me about a month ago. And he knew all about me—my past relationship with Dani, my side jobs in tech support, everything.”

“Then why would you sign on to help him?”

“Because I was an idiot. Because I believed what he told me.”

“Which was?”

“That Dani was in danger from her biological father, who was tracking her down. That he meant to hurt her, really hurt her. Carp made the guy sound like some kind of psycho. And I love Dani. I was afraid for her. And, yeah, I was being paid, and well. Plus, I liked the idea of being Dani’s knight in shining armor, and of watching her every day. She’s all I’ve thought of for the past six years. Being back in her life was… everything. But now—I don’t believe all that crap about Dani’s father I was told. I think it’s Carp who’s after Dani and her sister. But I swear, I don’t know why. All I know is that I was hired to report back on their activities so he could keep the sisters apart.”

“Wait a minute.” Marc’s mind zoomed in on a previous bit of information Gabe had supplied. “You said that Carp approached you a month ago. But Dani and Gia hadn’t even made contact back then. So what made Carp seek you out? And why scrutinize Dani and not Gia? What made Dani a bigger threat—or any threat at all?”

“My guess?” Clearly, Gabe had thought this one through. “Dani told me she’d had a recent job interview in Manhattan. That trip must have raised a red flag to Carp or whoever he’s working for.”

“That’s the reason there was spyware only on Dani’s and not Gia’s computer,” Claire said. “Carp wanted to monitor things to see if Dani took that job and moved to New York.”

“Right.” Marc’s wheels were turning. “This guy Carp probably is a hitman. Whoever’s running the show, Carp works for him. When was the last time Carp contacted you?”

“Yesterday. He was all over my case, furious at me for not providing information. But I had nothing to report. I’m sure your guy Ryan McKay removed the spyware and covered up the microphone and camera. So I was coming up empty.” Gabe swallowed, his Adam’s apple going up and down in a sickly fashion. “Carp said I was dispensable. And the truth is, I am.” He gazed pitifully up at Marc. “What should I do? How can I help Dani?”

“Fly to New York,” Marc said. “Not with us. On a separate flight.” Marc slapped a one-way plane ticket on the desk. “No one knows we’re here. We made sure of it—false identities. Call Carp and tell him that Dani broke down and told you she was with her sister, and that you’re flying there to get a firsthand take on things. That’ll please him enough to hold off on killing you. We’ll take care of the rest.”

“Where will I stay?”

“Exactly where we tell you to.”

Gabe sucked in his breath. “Fine. I’ll do as you say.” A pause. “One more question,” he began hesitantly.

“Yes, Dani knows,” Claire supplied. “I told her myself this morning.”

“God, she must hate me.”

“Right now, she’s in shock. But yes, she’s livid, not to mention feeling totally betrayed. Do you blame her?”

“Of course not.”

“You’ll have to face her yourself and deal with the fallout.” Claire wasn’t sugarcoating this. “It’s what you deserve.”

Gabe gave a bleak nod.

“Tossing you out on your ass isn’t an option,” Marc surprised Claire by saying. “She can’t. It’s imperative that your friend Mr. Carp thinks you two are still a couple. He’ll be watching you. Don’t doubt that for a minute or let your guard down.”

“I won’t.” Gabe turned his palms up. “But how am I going to convince Dani to go through this charade?”

“That’s our job. Now call Carp,” Marc instructed. “Put him on speakerphone. I want to hear his voice.”