Casey planned to make them a reality.


Gabe sounded pretty frantic when Dani called him back.

“Are you okay?” he demanded over the sound of running water. “I’m freaking out here. All I’ve gotten from you in days are a few I’ll-talk-to-you-later texts. I’m torn between thinking something’s very wrong and thinking you’re dumping me.”

Dani shut her eyes and leaned her head back against the smooth leather of the backseat of the car. She visualized Gabe, setting up his water treadmill and worrying about her. Casey had been right. She’d only screwed things up more by delaying this call. But she’d been such a wreck. She was also a horrible liar. She’d have to follow Marc’s advice: the truth, but only bare bones.

“I’m so sorry, Gabe.” Her voice rang with genuine regret and equally genuine anguish. “I didn’t mean to freak you out. I’m just a mess. My family is going through a real crisis, and I’ve been with them day and night. I can’t seem to focus on anything else. Of course I’m not dumping you. In fact, hearing your voice means more than I can say.”

The sound of running water ceased. “What kind of crisis? Is someone ill?”

Here came the hard part. “I…” Dani choked back a sob, which—even though it was as real as it gets—she supposed would help her cause. “I can’t talk about it. It’s very personal and it involves confidences I can’t break. Just know that, if I could discuss it, you’d be the one I’d do it with. And when I can, I will.”

“Okay.” Reluctant acceptance. “How can I help?”

“Just be there when I need to talk. Understand when I can’t. And focus on all the feelings we rediscovered when I was in Cleveland.”

“That part’s easy.” Gabe’s tone was tender. “Do you want me to fly to New York? I could at least be there for you while you work this through.”

Dani swallowed hard. “No, but thanks. It’s easier for me to cope with this alone. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

“You don’t have to make it up to me. Just know that I’m here if you need me—whenever you need me.” A pause, during which Dani heard Gabe call out to someone. “I’m sorry, Dani,” he said. “My next patient just arrived—a Papillion who’s recovering from patella surgery. I’ve got a back-to-back day and a ton of files to update after that. But can we talk later? Maybe tonight?”

“I’ll text you.” Dani never thought she’d be relieved to get off the phone with Gabe, but she was immensely so. She couldn’t do this anymore, not now. “I’ll be with my family. But even if we can’t talk, we can text. Please understand. I’m stretched as thin as I can be without breaking.”

“You won’t break. You’re too strong for that. And I do understand. Now go do what you have to. Text me when you can. And remember that I’m thinking of you.”

“I’m thinking of you, too,” Dani replied quietly.

She disconnected the call and blew out a slow breath.

“You did great,” Gia said.

Dani turned her head toward her sister. “It was tough—really tough. But I think I managed to control the situation.”

“From my end, it sounded like you did. Was he angry?”

“Gabe is a pretty sensitive guy. So, no, he wasn’t angry. I’m sure he has a million questions. But he’ll be patient. Hopefully, it won’t be long before this whole nightmare is over and I can fill him in.”

Gia nodded, seized by an unexpected pang of emptiness. “I’ve never felt like I was missing something by not having a serious guy in my life. I’m all about my career. But right now, I really envy what you and Gabe have got. Hold on to it.”

“I plan to.” Dani chewed her lip, visibly hesitant about whether or not she was about to overstep her bounds, and then deciding to go for it. “Open yourself up a little more, Gia. Let people in. Show a teeny bit of the vulnerability that I’ve seen you show with me and with your parents. The right guy will find you.”

A small smile curved Gia’s lips. “You mean leave the bulldozer at work?”

“Something like that.”

“Thanks for the advice. We’ve known each other for such a short time, and yet you know me so well. I’m used to running the show and managing people. My family’s been the only exception. But it’s time I separated personal and professional and opened myself up to some possibilities. I’ll work on it.”

“I’m glad. Sorry if I overstepped.”

“You didn’t. You’re my twin.” Gia still savored the word. If anything could soften her tough exterior, it was finding Dani.

Abruptly, her thoughts shifted. “Let’s talk about tonight and about your parents.”

* * *