Casey recognized the speculative glint in Marc’s eyes. “You think

they knew the hospital records had been altered and that the existing ones would corroborate their story.”

“It would certainly fit. It would also explain why they were determined for Lina to believe she was their biological child. No adoption procedure to explain. No paperwork to present. Just a very emotional, very believable story.”

“That suggests the Brandos knew more about this deception than the Russos and the Muranos.” Casey shot Ryan a quizzical look. “Did anything in your research on Joseph Brando raise any red flags? Anything that suggested he might be shady?”

“You mean other than the fact that he’s a politician?” Ryan asked dryly. “No. At least not directly.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I did more than a cursory search since last we spoke. Have you ever heard of Angelo Colone?”

“The mob leader?” Marc’s brows rose in interest. “Sure.”

“Well, he and Joseph Brando grew up in Brooklyn together. They were very tight, right through adulthood—actually right through Angelo’s death several months ago. When Joseph started his own law firm, Angelo was his first client. Joseph represented his personal interests and his construction business. My guess? Angelo funded his legal practice.”

Now, Casey was leaning forward, her gaze intense. “Are you saying that Joseph Brando has mob ties?”

“Like I said, none that I can find,” Ryan replied. “But I am saying that he had access to all kinds of illegal help, even if he didn’t get his own hands dirty. Whether or not he used it is still unknown.”

“But not for long, knowing you.”

“My search engine is busily working. But Marc’s theory makes sense from my end, too. I found both Gia’s and Dani’s filed birth certificates and they’re identical to the ones they have. No other records show up in the database of the Department of Health, not in any of the five boroughs. As for triplets? Nada. Which means we’re coming up empty on the truth. To get forgeries like that into the system? Only someone with big-time connections could orchestrate that.”

“Angelo Colone would match that description.”

“Sure would. But even if he was behind this, it doesn’t necessarily implicate Brando—although it sure as hell moves him to the top of the suspect list.”

“All the more reason for us to go to that party on Sunday,” Casey said. “We can get a read on Brando and, if we’re lucky, pick up some crumbs of information. So, all of you, get your formal wear out from storage.”

Ryan groaned. “Does this mean I have to wear a tie?”

“Yup. The whole nine yards. Suit, dress shirt, tie.” Casey’s lips twitched. “Maybe Claire will offer to knot your tie for you.”

“Only if he doesn’t squirm,” Claire replied.

The whole team chuckled.

“Anything else?” Casey asked, glancing around the table.

“Yeah.” Ryan’s humor vanished. “I’ve been here since dawn working on the girls’ laptops. Found and left in place the spyware on Dani’s—and set things up so I can hopefully trace it back to the person who installed it. But Gia’s? Totally clean. No spyware whatsoever.”

“That’s weird.” Marc frowned. “It suggests that either Dani represents more of a threat than Gia or that whoever did this had more access to Dani’s computer.”

“He—or whatever thug he’s got working for him—was in Gia’s townhouse the morning of the fire,” Ryan pointed out. “He could have installed the spyware then or talked someone through doing it. So I opt for your first theory. We need more info on Dani.”

Casey glanced at her watch. “Gia and Dani are due here soon. We’ll have to dig deep into their lists of friends, boyfriends, co-workers, everyone they know. Without saying anything, we’ll concentrate more heavily on Dani’s list. Maybe that’ll give us something to go on.”

Claire was gazing into her coffee mug, her expression bleak and faraway. “I’m picking up on a lot of anguish. Gia and Dani have been through the emotional wringer since yesterday. Leaning on them would be a huge mistake. Please. Let’s take this slow and gently—for their sake and for the sake of our investigation.”

* * *

Claire’s assessment was, unfortunately, more than accurate.

Gia and Dani arrived looking like hell. The past day had taken a huge toll on them—Gia’s morning visit with her parents, Dani’s emotional exchange with her parents followed by working with Patrick to coordinate the arrangements for them to fly in, and finally last night’s dinner with the Russos.

The pair sat with the FI team in the small conference room, sipping coffee and relaying information.