Gia and Dani tonight. They’re going to the Russos’ for dinner.”

“I’ll take care of it as soon as we hang up.”

“What time does your flight get in?”

“Five forty into La Guardia,” Marc replied.

“Great. Rush hour.”

“Not a problem. I asked the car service for a driver who’s heavy on the gas pedal and knows Queens like the back of his hand. I figure the Grand Central Parkway will be a parking lot. It’s his job to skirt that. I promised to make it very worth his while.”

Casey began to laugh. “Only you would think of that. So we’ll be seeing you ten minutes after landing time?”

“Very funny. You’ll be seeing us a hell of a lot earlier than you would have without my clever tactics.”

Claire wasn’t feeling their levity. “Marc, did you get the items I need?”

“All taken care of.”

With that, Casey glanced from Claire to Ryan to her cell phone. “Anyone have additional questions or info before we hang up? Otherwise, catch that flight, hop into your Batmobile, and come home.”


Emma arrived at Lina’s apartment at six thirty, wine in hand. She was pissed at herself for not having provided anything from her visit to Rye that was of major importance to the team. She had no intention of letting that happen again.

Subtle she would be. But tonight, she’d find out not only that Lina wasn’t in danger but also something about her and her family.

The door flew open before she could knock, and Lina hugged her in the hallway. “It’s so good to see you! Come on in.”

“It’s great to see you, too.” Emma grinned, walking in and handing over the bottles of wine. “Red and white, as promised.”

“Perfect.” Lina put the bottles on her kitchen counter and then scooped up a pile of takeout menus. “We can go through these and decide what we want to eat.” She handed the stack to Emma, whose grin widened.

“I see you love cooking as much as I do.”

Lina wrinkled her nose, a gesture Emma had seen Dani make. “I’d say that no one in their right mind loves cooking, but actually my mom is an awesome cook and she relishes her time doing it. I’d probably starve to death without her humongous doggie bags. Now let’s go into the living room and catch up.” She pointed, and Emma followed her lead.

“I love your place.” Emma plunked the menus on the coffee table and took in the fuzzy white love seat, butterfly chairs, and bright aqua and hot pink accents. “It’s super cool and it’s very you.” Quickly, she scanned the wall of family photos, looking for a resemblance between Lina and her parents. Same coloring, same petite build as her mother, but nothing else that jumped out at her. She’d try to study the photos more closely later.

Meanwhile, Lina looked puzzled. “I don’t understand. You’ve been here already.”

“Nope. That was just Casey and Claire.”

“You’re right.” Lina brightened right up. “Well, then, I’m doubly glad you suggested this. My living room is home base for all my friends who need to chill. Flop down on the fluff-couch. It’s the best.”

Emma did just that. “This is awesome. No wonder your friends never want to leave.”

Lina nodded, settling herself next to Emma so they could pore over the menus together. “I like having my place be the center of things. I guess that’s what happens when you’re raised in a tight Italian family. Now let’s order so you can fill me in on the latest excitement at Forensic Instincts.”

* * *

Half an hour later, the coffee table was filled with cartons of Chinese food and a tray of sushi, and the girls were settled on the fluff-couch, glasses of wine in hand, ready to chow down and talk.

“How are things with you?” Emma asked, watching Lina’s face. “When we had brunch, you didn’t mention your summer plans. Are you getting a chance to chill out, maybe hang out with Brianna and your other friends, or are you working at your mom’s boutique?”

“Mostly working at the boutique,” Lina replied, looking distracted and giving the briefest answer she could. Clearly, she was eager to end this part of the conversation and to get to the happenings at Forensic Instincts. “I love to keep busy. I’m not good at lying around. So life is good.”

Excellent, Emma thought silently. No signs of worry or danger. The tsunami has yet to crash over Lina’s life.