Gia shot straight up in her seat. “So they know about the DNA test results?”

“I’d say yes.”

“Oh, God.” Gia instinctively reached for Dani’s hand. “Then our lives might really be on the line.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to you,” Marc assured them. “Our job is to make sure of that. We’ll keep you safe and we’ll solve the case. Trust us.”

The two girls nodded wordlessly.

Ryan continued, speaking as gently as he could. “I want you both to use your personal laptops only for work emails, Google searches, innocuous posts on Facebook and tweets on Twitter—everything you do on a daily basis. Omit anything that relates to the two of you, your fears and suspicions, and this investigation.”

“A smokescreen,” Dani murmured.

“Exactly. If you stop using your laptops altogether, they’ll get suspicious. Let them think you’re trying to go on with your lives.”

“Then what do we use for the case-related emails, Google searches, and research?” Gia asked.

“I’ll give each of you a Raspberry Pi. It’s a full computer about the size of a pack of cigarettes. I’ve added a few goodies to the Linux operating system and added a Tor browser. Even the Chinese wouldn’t be able to get in without me knowing about it. Plug it into a TV, a mouse and keyboard, and voilà. I always keep a few of these on hand—complete with accessories—just in case. Take them back to Gia’s place. Reserve them for case-related research and communication.”

“We’ll do everything you say.” Dani looked as if she’d been run over by a steamroller. “But tell me, how do we fight some nameless, faceless person who’s been determined to keep us apart since birth, and who clearly has ominous motives for doing so?”

“You don’t,” Casey replied. “We do.”


“First, by figuring out the why. As you said, what’s the motivation behind this whole scenario?” Thoughtfully, Casey tapped her finger against her mug. “Have either of you spoken to your adoptive parents?”

“No.” Gia shook her head. “We wanted to. We both have close relationships with our parents. Because of that, we were afraid our love for them might turn this discussion into an emotional fiasco. Dani and I agreed that it would be best if you handled it. You’re pros. We’re not.”

“That was a smart move,” Marc replied. “We’ll ask different questions than you would and with more objectivity and training.” He penned more notes in the thick spiral binder he’d been using during the interview. Marc’s process was to handwrite his notes and then enter the data, with additional comments and questions, into his laptop immediately after the clients left.

“Are your original birth certificates available?” Ryan asked.

“No. The adoptions were closed. The birth records are sealed—for both of us,” Gia said.

“And neither of you knows the name of the agency or the attorney who

handled your adoption?”

Both girls shook their heads.

“Then I’ve got my work cut out for me. There’s no time for lawyers or petitions. I’ve got to get into the New York City Department of Health’s records so I can manage a do-it-yourself unsealing of the birth certificates. I need to know your actual birthdate, birth hospital, and the names of your biological parents—or at least your biological mother if she listed your father as unnamed.”

Claire had been quiet up until now. And she had that aura-seeking expression on her face. “Do you have any personal childhood toys, dolls, etc. that you were particularly attached to?” she now asked. “If so, I’d like to have those.”

Gia and Dani turned to stare at her in that awed way Claire was all too used to. “You’re the clairvoyant member of the group,” Dani said.

“Claircognizant, but yes.” Claire gave them a faint smile. “You’ve done your homework.”

“Gia brought me up to speed. Between living in New York and knowing Marc, she had a head start on me. But I caught up. I Googled Forensic Instincts after we talked.”

“We’re going to help you,” Claire said in response. “I’m hoping that by holding your personal childhood things, I can pick up something that might help me do so.” She tucked a wisp of blonde hair behind her ear, giving each of the girls a gentle look. “I realize this has taken a backseat to the chaos in your lives, but congratulations on finding each other. You’ve discovered a precious connection—an identical sister. That kind of bond is unique.”

“Thank you.” Gia turned to smile at Dani. “We’re certainly learning more about that connection every day.”

Patrick cleared his throat. “I handle the necessary security for all our clients. Clearly, your situation warrants some level of protection. I’m not trying to frighten you. But the warnings you received involved physical harm. And if Ryan is right and our target already knows that you have proof you’re identical twins, he’ll escalate his attempts—especially once he determines you’ve hired us. I’d like to put you both under security watch.”

“What exactly does that mean?” Dani asked.