The ID card Emma had ripped off worked like a charm. Forty minutes after Casey spoke with John Nickels, she and Claire had swiped their way into the building, dashed up the stairs, and were poised on the second-floor landing.

Casey balanced the large duffle bag she’d slung over her shoulder as Claire

turned on her iPhone flashlight and peeked around the corner at the top of the stairs.

“Clear,” she muttered.

They headed down the deserted hallway and stopped in front of Hanover’s office.

Casey gave another quick glance from side to side and then pulled two pair of latex gloves out of her jeans pocket. She handed a pair to Claire, and they both yanked them on. Then, Casey set down the duffel bag that held all the tools she needed. “Let’s see if I can do Marc proud,” she murmured. “Shine your light on the lock.”

Claire leaned over and complied.

With that, Casey unzipped the bag and pulled out a torque wrench and a pick. Concentrating, she followed through on what she’d seen Marc do a dozen times, and the process he’d explained to her while he was doing it.

She inserted the flat end of the wrench first, exerting just enough pressure to the L-shaped top of the tool, which was serving as a lever. Now came the delicate part. She inserted the pick and ever-so-carefully tapped each pin out of the way. There was a slight click, followed by a subtle movement of the cylinder as the torque wrench acted as a substitute key.

It turned the entire cylinder and disengaged the lock.

They were in.

“Obi-Wan has taught me well,” Casey whispered. She sounded more than a little proud.

Claire’s lips curved. “I can’t wait to goad him about how much better and faster a job you do.” With that, she pushed open the door, and all banter vanished.

They slipped inside and shut the door behind them.

“Don’t take the chance of turning on the overhead,” Casey said. “I brought two low-light flashlights in my duffel. We’ll use those and our iPhones.”

Claire nodded, and the two women went straight to work. Gloves in place, Claire swiftly retrieved each of the items Emma had reported on, all of which were there, even the gym bag.

She pulled a towel out of the gym bag, held it for a minute, and gave a shudder of disgust. “Dark energy. A twisted sexual mind. And sick images of him violating Brianna.”

“See if you can focus on where he is. Hopefully far away from Brianna’s apartment. I don’t want him anywhere near there when we bring Hero over. But he’s a psychopath. If he knows Brianna’s home—even armed with security—he’ll hang around to see the results of his handiwork and to congratulate himself. If need be, I’ll check in with our security detail and get his location—after I rip them a new one for screwing up. And if he’s outside Brianna’s place, Ryan will arrange a diversion.”

Claire nodded, sitting down and continuing to grip the towel. “Let me see what I can pick up on. The vibes from this gross rag are strong.”

Casey knelt down, opened the duffel bag wide, and removed the STD-100 scent transfer unit—or canine vacuum, as Ryan called it—along with the necessary jars, sterile scent recovery pads, alcohol wipes, and Ziplocs. She knew the drill like the back of her hand. Set up the vacuum. Put the pads in place. Put the personal articles on the pads. Vacuum for thirty seconds—more than enough time for the pads to collect the crucial smells and then be stored in jars.

Pack up her gear, grab Claire, and get the hell out of here.

She was halfway through her task when Claire’s voice interrupted her. “Hanover is pacing around outside Brianna’s building. He knows she’s being guarded and that he’s being watched. Those facts are actually exciting his sick mind. So’s the fact that he managed to elude security long enough to violate her space.”

“No surprise.” Casey turned off the vac for a minute. “Okay, there’s got to be a back entrance to the apartment. Call John and tell him to be ready to run down and unlock it. Next, call Ryan and tell him to get Hero in the van and to speed to Brianna’s. Hero can do his thing in the back alley. Then he’ll execute inside.” She turned the vac back on. “Give me five more minutes. Then we’ll put everything back in place. We were never here.”

* * *

Emma and Ryan came speeding around back of Brianna’s building and double-parked. Ryan leashed Hero up and led him out of the van. The trained bloodhound was already on high alert, somehow aware that he was about to be called upon to fulfill his role on the team.

“Thanks for calling and telling me what was going down,” Emma said as she jumped out of the van. “Most of all, thanks for letting me come. I’ve never seen Hero at work. I can’t wait.”

As she spoke, Casey and Claire appeared, rushing down the dark stretch to avoid detection.

“Hanover’s around here somewhere,” Casey said, dropping her duffel to the ground. “We’ve got to work fast. It’s your show, Hero.” She gave his ears a quick scratch as she unzipped the bag.

Hero spotted the familiar scent transfer unit, and he sat, his stare fixed on Casey as she squatted down and began to remove jars from the duffel bag. “I’m glad you’re here, Emma,” she added. “You deserve to be. We got everything. It was all exactly where you pointed us. Great work.”

“He didn’t take any of his personal stuff home?” Emma asked.