“Nope. But it was still a great dream.” Lina pointed to a pair of iron gates at the end of a cul-de-sac. “That’s home.”

“Oh my God.” Brianna just stared. “Lina, why didn’t you prepare me for this? I’m wearing jeans, for heaven’s sake.”

“So am I. And there’s nothing to prepare you for. We’re rich. So what? My parents are awesome. You’ll love them, and they’ll love you. I talk about you all the time.”

“I wish you’d done the same with me about them.” Brianna was trying not to feel intimidated. “I know your dad’s a state assemblyman and a lawyer, and that your mom owns a Soho boutique that you worked in between college and grad school. I’ve got an investment banker and a pediatrician as parents. They make lots of money. But this?” She waved her arm. “We’re almost at the gates. Give me a twenty-second crash course in what I’m missing and what I’m about to face. Please.”

“Sure.” Lina was puzzled but amenable. “Like you said, you already know the basics. As for our wealth, before my dad went into politics, he was already a defense attorney. His legal practice made a fortune. His investments made even more. Now, he’s lightened his client load considerably. He’s concentrating all his efforts and a good chunk of his money on his campaign.”

“What campaign?”

Lina blinked. “I didn’t tell you? He’s running for US House of Representatives. The primaries are in a few weeks. He’ll sweep those. He got a ton more signatures than necessary to file for candidacy. And his platform is great. He’s all about improving America’s digital infrastructure. He’s so passionate about it that it’s infectious. He’s hoping to get an endorsement from a powerful former congresswoman. I know he’ll get it. Just like I know in my gut that he’ll win in the general election. How awesome is that?”

Brianna released her breath in a hiss. “Wow. That’s pretty amazing. I can’t believe you never mentioned this.”

“I really thought I did.” Lina waved the topic away. “As proud as I am, that’s not what tonight is about. Tonight is about my incredible parents meeting my incredible best friend. Okay?”

“I guess. I’m just a lot more nervous than I was before. It’s just me, my jeans, and a black forest cake.” Brianna gestured at the white bakery box on her lap.

“Don’t underestimate chocolate.” Lina’s eyes twinkled. “You’ll win my dad over with that cake alone. And don’t be nervous. This is going to be great.” She sat up as the iron gates swung open. “Pay no attention to the size of the house. It’s big, but it’s filled with love.”

Big wasn’t exactly the word that the Brandos’ house co

njured up in Brianna’s mind. Ginormous would be more fitting. The trees looked like manicured sculptures, and the sculptures looked like something out of an architectural magazine. Huge. Ornate. Extravagant.

And then there was the house or the manor or the mansion or whatever you called something that was probably close to seven thousand square feet of stone with twin columns, a double staircase, and a row of chiseled shrubbery stretching from end to end.

The driver pulled around the circular driveway and stopped directly across from the entranceway.

“Thanks, Eddie.” Lina was already out of the car, waiting for Brianna to join her.

Just as Brianna climbed out and slammed the car door shut, the front door opened, and a petite woman of about forty-five with short, fashionably styled dark hair and a radiant smile stepped outside and walked down the stone steps. Brianna was thankful to see that she was also wearing jeans and a print silk blouse that was very boutique-y.

“Hi, sweetheart,” she greeted Lina with a tight hug. She then turned that same enveloping smile on Brianna, who was approaching them. “You must be Brianna. Finally. Lina talks about you nonstop. I’m Donna, Lina’s mom.” Forgoing protocol, she wrapped Brianna in a welcoming hug.

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Brando.” Brianna found herself returning the hug. It was easy to see where Lina got her warmth and exuberance. “And thank you so much for inviting me.” She eased back and held out the cake, which Lina’s mother graciously accepted.

“How lovely. Thank you. And, please—call me Donna. Otherwise, I feel old. Lina and I have been trying to arrange this get-together for weeks now.” Donna rolled her eyes. “But everyone’s schedule is so crazy.”

“Well, we’re here now,” Lina announced. “My favorite people finally get to meet. Where’s Dad?”

“Finishing up a call in his study,” Donna replied. She scooted down to the kitchen with the bakery box, and then returned, gesturing for the girls to follow her. “Let’s go in and relax in the family room. The living room’s way too formal. Dinner should be ready in about a half hour.”

She led them through a pillared marble foyer with a crystal chandelier and two symmetrical circular staircases leading upstairs. Then she turned down a corridor, past a formal dining room and a massive kitchen that was all cherrywood and marble countertops, and walked into a surprisingly normal-sized family room. Brianna didn’t know much about furniture, but she recognized the Queen Anne period pieces that defined the room. Everything was done in a rich, classic walnut. Two curved sofas, upholstered in gold and burgundy, a wingback chair, a coffee table—filled with photos of Lina—a liquor and china cabinet and a fireplace, alight and ready to welcome guests. The end tables held miniature statuettes, and the walls were filled with still-life art.

Lina’s mother had been right. Despite its expensive décor, this room felt surprisingly cozy.

“Please, sit.” Donna gestured at one of the sofas. “What can I get you girls to drink?” A twinkle. “I’d go for wine if I were you. My mixed-drink-making skills are severely lacking. So unless you want your liquor straight up or you want to wait for Joseph to come in, I’d highly recommend the wine. We have a fabulous new Sauvignon Blanc. We loved it so much that we bought a dozen cases of it. I doubt they’ll be staying in the wine cellar for long.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Brianna said, settling herself on the upholstered sofa cushion. “Thank you.”

“Ditto for me,” Lina inserted. “Can I help?”

“Not necessary, sweetie. I’m here.” A masculine voice came from the doorway, accompanied by the appearance of a man whose lord-of-the-manor demeanor identified him as Joseph Brando. He strode over to the liquor cabinet and kissed his wife’s cheek before taking down four wineglasses, uncorking the wine bottle, and pouring. “I’ll do the honors. Lina, I’d ask you to make the introductions, but none are necessary.” He shot a warm glance in Brianna’s direction. “Hi, Brianna. It’s great to finally meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Assemblyman—”

“Joseph,” he cut her off to say. “Please. This is our home. And here, I’m a husband and a father—my favorite roles.” He handed Brianna her wine, giving her a broad, welcoming smile.