“Yes, Ryan.”

The data popped up. It was a Google search of the local area near the ski center. A recent news item appeared in the list. Ryan clicked on it, opening it on the screen.

“A ski lodge cabin burned to the ground last night,” Ryan said. “No sign of foul play, just an unfortunate accident.”

“Bullshit.” Marc was rippling with tension. “Janet is trying to destroy all her ties with Ronald. She’s guilty as hell.”

“I also just ran her car,” Ryan added. “She drives a black Town Car. That fits the description of the car that was parked outside Madeline’s apartment building.”

“I’m going to the hospital and grabbing that bitch.” Marc wasn’t going to be stopped this time.

“Fine,” Casey said. “But before you go, tell me—why is Janet doing all this now? She’s had years to deal with the fact that the man she clearly loved was racking up women like sex trophies. She can’t hurt him—he’s dead. Has she suddenly decided to avenge his death? Why? And what’s the tie to Madeline and Conrad that would make her try to kill them?”

“None of this makes sense.” Claire had that faraway look in her eyes. She was picking up on some unknown energy.

“Aidan, scroll to the next page,” Casey requested.

He did as she asked.

“Dammit,” Ryan said. “There’s a motive to kill Ronald. Diana just found out the truth about her father six months ago. Maybe she fell apart and that—together with Janet’s own pain and resentment—pushed Janet over the edge.”

Casey frowned. “Let’s run with that. Ronald had already given Diana a great job at the hospital. And he was still paying Janet huge chunks of money. But that might not have been enough to appease her, not when her daughter was totally shattered.”

“Fine. So Janet killed Ronald.” Marc was still hovering by the door. “How? Did she drug him before the surgery?”

“That never would have escaped Conrad’s attention or the anesthesiologist’s,” Casey said, shaking her head. “Uh-uh. In order to kill Ronald, Janet would have needed access to the O.R. She didn’t have it.”

“But Diana did,” Claire said quietly.

Everyone’s head jerked around to face her. She looked sickeningly certain.

“Diana was the circulating nurse during Ronald’s surgery,” she said. “That means she was the first one in and the last one out. She’d have time alone in the O.R. before the surgical team came in.” Another faraway look. “I only met Diana briefly at the dedication ceremony, but I sensed that she was like a lost little girl. Back then, I assumed it was because her mother was so overprotective and her job was so new. Now that we’re focusing on her, I’m picking up a whole different energy. She was broken. Empty. Something psychological and heavy.”

“Diana must have had some kind of psychotic break when she found out that Ronald was her father,” Casey said. “And why wouldn’t she? She’s a gentle, sensitive girl. This news must have hit her like a ton of bricks. She’d been hurt. And the mother she adored was treated abysmally, and ultimately dumped, daughter and all. No amount of financial Band-Aids can make that go away.”

Claire shook her head sadly. “The Lexington happy family—something she’d never be part of—must have constantly been rubbed in Diana’s face. From what we’re reading in Janet’s file, Ronald wouldn’t so much as recognize her as his child. That’s something even Janet couldn’t fix.”

“What Janet could fix is finding a way to cover up her daughter’s crime.” Casey turned to Marc, who was already opening the door. “There’s something on that recording that incriminates Diana. That’s what this is about.”

“Call Patrick and the cops. I’m going to the hospital.” Marc paused. “Ryan, what’s Madeline’s Apple ID and password?”

Without so much as a blink, Ryan gave it to him.

Marc took off at a dead run.

“Speaking of Patrick...” Casey glanced at her watch. “It’s been too long. I’m calling him.”

The phone rang and rang. No answer.

“Shit. Something’s wrong.” Casey punched in Dave’s number.

The security guard answered on the first ring. “Yes, Casey?”

“I’ve been trying Patrick. He’s not answering. Did he come out? Has Madeline come out?”

“Neither.” He sounded alert and ready. “Madeline hasn’t left the hospital. As far as I know, Patrick is waiting for her. Do you want me to go in and check?”

“No. I don’t want you leaving your post in case Madeline misses Patrick and comes out on her own. Stay put. I’m calling the police.”