Diana bowed her head, and her tears came faster. “So you burned down our house.”

“I had no choice.”

“No, you didn’t,” Diana admitted softly. “He didn’t give you one. He never gave you one.” She picked up her head, and there was agony in her eyes. “He hurt you so much. I hate that more than the fact that he never acknowledged my existence. You gave up your whole life for that man. So whatever you did, no one can blame you for—including torching the home he supposedly built for you.”

“I’m just doing what I have to do.” Janet’s jaw set. “The truth about your being Ronald’s daughter can never come out. I won’t have you in the middle of a scandal.”

“The truth about me?” Diana dried her eyes and regained control. “Even I didn’t know that truth until six months ago.”

“And I never planned on telling you,” Janet replied bluntly. “What would have been the point? The truth could only cause you pain—which it has. But when you were up at the cabin, opened that book and the photo of Ronald and me fell out, you asked so many questions. I couldn’t lie to you any longer.” There was a painful pause. “I still beat myself up wondering which was the worse of the two decisions—keeping you in the dark all those years, or breaking down and telling you the truth.”

“It was a lose-lose situation. I always wanted to meet my father, even though you said he was just a brief affair and you broke up before he knew you were pregnant. I guess ignorance is bliss. I missed out on so much from a man who didn’t want me, anyway.” Diana blinked back tears. “In any case, my emotional baggage is hardly the issue now. We’ve got to get your name off that list.”

Janet’s expression was grim. “My copy isn’t the problem. The data is stored on the Forensic Instincts’ computer server, which makes it impossible to tamper with. Casey Woods asked me to help her crack this code. I have to pretend I couldn’t do it and pray that neither can they—at least long enough for us to hire someone who can hack into and corrupt their system.”

“Who do we know who can do that?”

“I’ll figure it out. There’s got to be a supertechie here who wants a wad of cash. We just have to find him or her.”

“What if Forensic Instincts decrypts the file first?”

“Then I’ll switch gears and beg for their discretion. Of course I’ll become a suspect, but they can’t prove anything. And I’m far from alone on their suspect list.”

“But will they tell Madeline? Especially if they’re working for her now?”

“Not if I do my job right.”

* * *

Preoccupied and deep in thought, Janet scowled in irritation when her phone started ringing again. It had rung three times during her talk with Diana, and now twice more since Diana had gone back to work. She’d ignored it all five times, since the only emergency call she could be receiving would come from Jacob, who by now would have stormed into her office with whatever was on his mind.

Still, she should have listened to her voice mail. This was a critical and precarious time in her life.

She reached over and picked up the phone. “Janet Moss.”

“Where have you been?” a male voice demanded. “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all morning.”

Janet blinked. “Who is this?”

“Roger Lewis.”

Roger Lewis. The IT guy Jacob had appointed to work with the lawyers. What could he possibly want so urgently from her?

“What can I do for you, Roger?” she asked evenly.

“It’s what I can do for you. I need an immediate appointment with Mr. Casper. Is he there? The receptionist wouldn’t let me in to see either one of you.”

“You came down here?”

“Well, you weren’t answering your phone, so yes. I attempted to knock on either your or Mr. Casper’s doors, but I was tossed out. So I’m calling again.”

“Mr. Casper is tied up all day today.” Janet glanced at Jacob’s electronic calendar. “I can try to fit you in tomorrow at about nine-thirty....”

“I said now!” Roger almost shouted the last word. “I have crucial information I need to share with him.”

“About the lawsuit?” Janet was starting to get a little uneasy.

“Of course about the lawsuit,” he snapped. “Is Mr. Casper in his office now?”