Conrad’s head shake was adamant. “Absolutely not. Ronald was a loyal friend. He would never do that to me. Plus, Madeline would have told me. She was not a fan of Ronald’s behavior.”

“Okay, then that’s a dead end,” Marc replied. “There’s no one who would be jealous of Madeline, at least not for that.”


“This whole case could have nothing to do with Ronald Lexington,” Casey said. “But we have to check every angle, which we are. In fact, I’m going to lunch with Janet Moss tomorrow to see what I can learn.”

Conrad chuckled. “You’re going to the right source. No one sneezes in Manhattan Memorial without Janet knowing about it.”

“Then she might be a gold mine. By your own account, you practically lived at that hospital. And Madeline’s life is pretty tied up there, too. Not to mention the fact that whoever tried to kill you managed to be at Crest Haven and also knew what combination of meds would cause a massive overdose. So it’s probable that the perp works in your hospital or possibly even here.”

Conrad’s lips thinned into a grim line. “I know. That’s why I’m so grateful for the security you’re providing.”

“Don’t be grateful. Just let our security guys do their job. And make us the list of what might have been on that external hard drive. It’s possible we’ll spot something you’re missing.”


CASEY EDGED A look at Marc as he drove out of the Crest Haven gates.

“Careful, navy SEAL. Your personal feelings are starting to show again.”

Marc’s jaw tightened. “The question was a legitimate one, and had nothing to do with personal feelings. I was trying to find a common motive that would explain why the killer wants to get rid of both Madeline and Conrad.”

“I get it. But you don’t usually ask questions with such passion.”

“Stop looking for things that aren’t there, Casey. I’m just doing my job.”

“Uh-huh.” Casey dropped the subject. She’d made her point.

“You’ll set up a meeting with Doug Wilton?” she asked.

“Yup. ASAP. Followed by Jacob Casper.” Marc frowned. “But when I talk with them, I’m going to concentrate on Conrad and Madeline, not just Ronald. I feel as if we’re forgetting who the intended victims are. Lexington is dead. He’s not a victim or a suspect. It’s a shame he died, but Conrad didn’t murder him. Nor did Madeline.”

“I agree.” Casey pursed her lips. “So you think we’re getting off track?”

“Unless the killers are the Lexingtons, yes. It’s been three months since Lexington’s death. Only his family could be so affected by his loss for their pain to fester and grow until it exploded into revenge against the people they hold responsible. Even then, Madeline’s guilt in the failed surgery is weak. Add up the pieces and the only people who fit the guilty bill are Nancy and her kids. And Ryan’s already all over that angle. So it’s time we spread our investigative wings and look elsewhere.”

“You’re right,” Casey agreed. “And I plan to do exactly that with Janet Moss. Tomorrow’s lunch will be very interesting.”

* * *

The next morning at 10:00 a.m. Casey’s cell phone rang.

Her heart sank when she saw Janet’s number. Dammit. The woman was probably canceling.

“Hi, Janet. What’s up?” She could hear the bustling hum of the hospital in the background.

“My schedule, that’s what’s up.” Janet sounded frazzled and upset. “I can’t get away at noon. I can take a one o’clock break, but probably only for forty-five minutes. I know this is a tacky thing to ask, but would you mind meeting me at the first-floor Au Bon Pain? I so don’t want to cancel, but unfortunately, convenience has to trump a good meal.”

How much more perfect could it get? Access to Janet and the hospital staff all at once.

“Of course I don’t mind,” Casey replied. “I’ll meet you outside the entrance at one.”

“Oh, thank you.” Janet sounded as relieved as Casey felt. “I want to hear all about you and Forensic Instincts.”

“And you will. I’ll see you at one.”

* * *