Harvey walked over to Diana. “Get up, Ms. Moss. You’re being arrested for the murder of Ronald Lexington. It’s time to go to the precinct now.” Despite the severity of his tone, he held her handcuffed arms so she could struggle to her feet.

Casey waited only long enough for Harvey to read Diana her Miranda rights before she approached her.

“Where’s your mother?” Casey asked.

Diana shook her bowed head. “I don’t know.”

It took all Casey’s willpower not to grab her and shake her. “Your mother wants that recording to save you. Where is it? Where is she taking Madeline?”

“I truly don’t know. I swear.”


“I’ve got her,” Ryan said. While this conversation had been going on, he’d typed in Madeline’s Apple ID and password. Now, the Find My iPhone app showed both Ryan’s and Madeline’s iPhones on a map on Ryan’s screen. He zoomed in to see where Madeline was at the moment and saw that she was on Second Avenue at Saint Mark’s Place.

He repeated the same method to trace Marc’s phone. Marc was about a quarter mile from Madeline.

“Let’s go,” he told the team.

“What’s the address?” Harvey asked.

Ryan supplied it.

“Good. Darrell and I will follow you.” Harvey turned to his other two men. “Take Diana in. I’ll call for backup once I know where we’re headed. But we’re not coming back without Janet Moss.”

“Please don’t hurt my mother,” Diana begged in a watery tone. “She was only trying to protect me. Please don’t hurt her.”

“We’ll try our best.” Casey was already in motion.

“I’m coming, too,” Emma announced.

“As am I,” Patrick said.

No one tried to stop them. With Diana being led away by two policemen, there was no point in their staying here.

It was time to save their client.


MANHATTAN MINI-STORAGE WAS fairly quiet at this time of day.

Madeline pulled her car into the loading area of the narrow, gray building. She turned off the ignition.

“Now what?”

“Do you think I’m an idiot?” Janet replied. “You’re doing the work. I’m holding the gun. Now let’s go.”

They made their way inside the building, followed procedure on gaining access to Madeline’s storage unit and then headed there, Janet’s pistol jabbed firmly in Madeline’s back the entire time.

“Open it,” Janet commanded, the minute they’d reached their destination.

Madeline did as she was told. It took her a few tries to fit the key in the padlock hanging on the metal door as her hand was shaking so hard. She was nearing the end of the line. The minute Janet had that recording in her hands, she was going to kill her.

She had to buy time. Time to think of a plan of attack. Time to pray that Marc was somehow on his way to save her.

She turned the lock, swung it open and lifted it off. Then, she pulled open the heavy metal door, wincing as it brushed against her ribs.

Ignoring Madeline’s discomfort, Janet held out her hand. “Give me the lock and the key,” she said.