“How do you take your coffee?” she repeated. “Otherwise, I’ll just have to guess.”

Patrick had jerked his chair backward reflexively. Now he picked up the few napkins he’d taken and began wiping the table. “Just black. And I greatly appreciate it.”

“Not at all.” She walked around the eating area and into Au Bon Pain.

Patrick continued to sop up his coffee, glancing repeatedly over at the E.R.

There was still no sign of Madeline coming out.

* * *

Madeline herself was puzzled.

She’d finished taping up the car accident victim about fifteen minutes ago. She’d been about to strip off her gloves and come out when Diana Moss had appeared, slightly bent forward and asking for her help.

“What’s the problem?” Madeline had asked in surprise. Diana had smiled shyly at her once or twice since her return, but that’s where any sign of reconnecting had stopped.

“I have a bad pain in my lower abdomen. It started a few days ago and has been getting progressively worse. It’s unbearable now. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but could you do a quick check and maybe have an X-ray done?”

“You’re thinking appendicitis?” Madeline asked.

Diana nodded.

“That’s nothing to fool around with. Come in and I’ll have the technician do an X-ray. Then, if it’s necessary, I’ll page a doctor.” She paused. “Why didn’t you ask one of the surgeons to take a look at you?”

“They’re very busy right now. Besides, if it turns out to be nothing, I don’t want to be sent home to rest and sit around. I need to work.”

“Then let’s hope it’s nothing.” Still thinking it was odd that Diana had chosen her, of all people, to approach, Madeline took Diana down to the X-ray room.

* * *

Janet bought the cup of coffee at the same time as she saw Diana disappear through the E.R. with Madeline.

She walked over to the island that held the milk, sweeteners and coffee accoutrements. She helped herself to a handful of napkins, and then glanced around. Nobody nearby.

She removed the plastic lid off the coffee cup long enough to drop the sleeping pills in. Quickly, she stirred the beverage, and then snapped the lid back into place.

She headed out of Au Bon Pain and back to Patrick.


“EVERYTHING LOOKS FINE, Diana.” Madeline studied the X-ray the technician had taken. “I don’t see any glaring problem. But make an appointment with one of our gastroenterologists. You should have a complete rundown and a thorough exam.”

“I will.” Diana was shrugging into her hospital uniform. “I appreciate you doing this. It was the fastest and most discreet way for me to find out if I was in immediate trouble.”

“No problem.” Madeline walked with Diana as they headed out of the E.R. “I’m heading for the lounge to get a cup of coffee. Want to join me?”

“There won’t be

time for that.” Janet’s voice came from directly behind Madeline. “Diana has to go back to the surgical wing.” Janet’s open coat brushed against Madeline’s arm, and a blunt object jabbed her in the back. “You and I, on the other hand, have to take an urgent drive.”

“Mom...” Diana stood there for a moment, looking nervous and unsure. “Maybe there’s another way....”

“There isn’t.” Janet shoved the object firmer into Madeline’s back. “Let’s go.”

That’s when Madeline realized that the object in Janet’s hand was a gun.

“Janet, what the hell are you doing?” she gasped, watching in shock as Diana turned and walked off.