With a few quick mouse clicks, Ryan initiated the download of the AutoCAD files to Lumen, one of FI’s servers. There were three that made up the team’s expansive server farm: Lumen, Equitas and Intueri, named after the Latin words for light, justice and intuition—a perfect description of Forensic Instincts.

Ryan then immediately began to generate a 3-D file from the AutoCAD drawings so he could visualize the best place to introduce Gecko into the HVAC system, as well as how to navigate through the maze of ducts inside the building. It was important to minimize the number of changes in height and direction for Gecko to perform. The best solution was to cut an access panel in the supply ductwork located in the basement utility room.

Ryan had just started assembling the tools he would need when Hero’s bark and Yoda’s voice simultaneously announced Marc’s arrival.

* * *

Claire and Leilah strolled into Weather Up, a trendy bar on Duane Street in Tribeca, and settled themselves on stools. Bypassing the more elaborate drinks, they ordered glasses of wine.

There were a fair number of good-looking guys in the bar—all of whom noticed them, many of whom appeared to be on their way over for introductions.

Leilah eliminated the problem immediately. She turned her back to the rest of the room. Sipping her cabernet, she tossed her hair away from her face, and angled her head to gaze at Claire. Her body language was clear. She was having an intense conversation with her friend. Now was not pickup time.

The disappointed guys went back to their drinks.

“Why don’t we get the Ryan part of the conversation over with first, so we can actually talk?” Leilah surprised Claire by suggesting.

Claire found herself smiling. She brought her wineglass to her lips and drank a bit of her merlot. “You’re incredibly up front,” she said. “It’s not exactly a shock—I’ve watched you in action the past few days. But I assumed I’d find the trait annoying. Actually, it’s very refreshing.”

Leilah shrugged. “I hate playing games,” she responded. “And I refuse to circle around with you like a couple of cats. Let’s make it simple. I’ll tell you about Ryan and me, and you tell me about Ryan and you. Then we can dismiss the subject and go on, get to know each other.”

“Sounds fair.” Claire had never met anyone quite like Leilah. She couldn’t blame Ryan for being attracted to her—she was the whole package.

“Ryan and I met at a bar,” Leilah began. “We were both on the verge of career breakouts. But neither of us was totally settled in yet. So we decided to enjoy our free time while we still had some.” Leilah smiled, that glowing smile that lit up her whole face. “We spent most of our time in bed,” she stated honestly. “Ryan excels there, as I’m sure you know. But he’s also brilliant and funny and spontaneous. We did everything from long-distance marathons to holding shot contests together. Those were crazy, exciting days.” She paused. “Would I want to revisit them? Of course. Do I think that’s going to happen? Not anytime soon.” Leilah regarded Claire without a trace of jealousy or anger. “He’s crazy about you.”

Claire’s eyes widened. “He said that?”

“Of course not. He probably doesn’t even know it. And he wouldn’t admit it if he did. But, trust me, it’s true. I’ve never seen Ryan like this. He cares if you’re upset. He worries if you’re in danger. And he’s put up an emotional wall between him and me, because he doesn’t want to give false signals.” Another smile. “You must be quite a challenge for him. You two are like day and night.”

“You’re right about that part.” Claire sighed. “Most of the time, we annoy the hell out of each other. He has very little respect for what I do, and I don’t understand a word of what he does. We argue like teenagers. It’s ridiculous.”

“Except when it’s not?” Leilah asked.

Claire nodded. “Except then.” She took another sip of merlot, feeling as exposed as if she were under a microscope. “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to discussing my sex life.”

“You don’t have to. I can feel the pull between you and Ryan whenever you’re in the same room. Is it just the sex? Because I don’t think so.”

“No,” Claire admitted. “It’s not. There are genuine feelings involved. I’m just not sure what they are or what they mean.”

“Then why dissect them? Let them be what they are and unfold as they’re meant to.”

“That’s what Ryan and I have been doing. I don’t want to complicate things with labels and analysis. We are what we are. Which is already more than I can handle.”

Leilah chuckled. “I hear you. And I think that’s a good plan. Guys like Ryan are best taken a day at a time.” Pushing aside her wine, Leilah moved on, clearly done with the subject of Ryan. “Tell me about you. All I know is that you’re blonde, you’re gracious and you have a princess-in-a-tower kind of beauty. And I know that Ryan calls you ‘Claire-voyant’ and you call yourself claircognizant. What’s the difference?”

“You mean besides the fact that Ryan believes it’s all a bunch of crap?”

“Yes. Besides that. I’m intrigued. Fill me in.”

Claire hesitated. “Do you really want to get into this?”

“Would you prefer not to?”

Claire took another sip of her wine. “It’s just not something I normally discuss.”

“Because it’s private, or because people don’t understand?”

“Both.” Claire was frank. ?