“Are you sure nothing else was taken?” Claire asked Hope as she moved slowly around the room. She paused next to the empty space on the dresser. “The jewelry box was in this spot?”

“Yes,” Peg confirmed. “ERT took it for evidentiary purposes. And, according to Judge Willis, nothing else was taken other than what we’ve discussed.”

“Just the locket was taken from the jewelry box? You’re sure?”

“I’m sure,” Hope verified. “I checked the box three times. All my jewelry was untouched.”

“Do you have a red stone? A ring, a necklace, maybe earrings?”

Hope shook her head. “I have an opal necklace that projects a variety of colors. But none of them is red.”

“A ruby.” Claire stated it with certainty. “It’s a ru

by.” She brushed her fingertips over the spot that had held the jewelry box. “And it’s not in the box that was here. Do you keep jewels anywhere else in the house?”

“No. I’m not really a jewelry person.”

“What about Krissy? Does she have any ruby studs, or fake stones that look like rubies?”

“She doesn’t have any jewelry, much less rubies. She doesn’t even like rubies, other than the name. It’s the one she gave to—” Hope stopped, her breath catching in her throat. “Ruby,” she whispered. “I never thought of that. I never checked…”

“Ruby?” Grace demanded.

“Krissy’s stuffed robin.” Hope was already halfway to the door. “She plays with her and Oreo all the time.”

By the time everyone had reached Krissy’s room, Hope was standing next to the shelves beside Krissy’s bed and was gazing at the top one, a stricken expression on her face.

“She’s gone. Nest and all.” Slowly, Hope turned. “Oreo and Ruby are like an imaginary family to Krissy. Oreo and Ruby are best friends, and Krissy is their nanny, like Ashley is to her.”

“That explains my dream,” Claire murmured. “It’s why Oreo was crying. And who he was missing. Ruby.” At the puzzled glances aimed her way, Claire explained the specifics of her dream.

“Once again, an attempt to make Krissy feel less lonely, more normal,” Sergeant Bennett concluded. “Nice work, Claire.” He was well aware that the FBI—particularly the BAU—was on the fence about Claire’s abilities. He couldn’t miss this opportunity to drive home the legitimacy of her gift.

Casey spoke up. “Not just more normal, more at home. The kidnappers are trying to recreate the securities of Krissy’s world. Her mother’s scent. A locket with pictures of the two of them side by side. And Krissy’s two closest inanimate friends in the world, the ones she keeps with her at night in the haven of her bedroom. These people want her to want to stay where she is, not just to tolerate it.”

“A willing captive,” Claire agreed. “Which she hasn’t been until now. She’s desperate to come home. The kidnappers are hoping to win her over.”

“Oh, God.” Hope sank down onto Krissy’s bed. “What if they’re unsuccessful? Krissy is so strong willed. What if she fights them? What if they hurt her?”

“Hope—stop.” Casey sank down beside her. “Let’s cling to the fact that Krissy is alive and that the kidnappers are trying to soothe her. It buys us a little time to figure things out. Let’s not waste that time panicking.”

“Then what do we do from here?”

“We divide and conquer.”


The brownstone was dark.

Hero was stretched out on the carpeted floor, enjoying a late-night snooze.

In the bed, Hutch threw back his head with a shout, every muscle in his body strained to the hilt. Then, with an exhausted groan, he shuddered and collapsed on top of Casey, his body drenched in sweat.

Casey sank into the mattress and shut her eyes, still quivering in the aftermath. Her fingertips traced a fine line down Hutch’s back.

“Still mad?” she finally managed.

“Too tired to be mad—now.”