That’s when things started getting weird, and the second reason for Casey’s trip had taken shape.

Walking past the Florida room, she’d spotted Ashley, alone in the room, visibly overwrought as she paced back and forth. Not the way she’d been when Krissy first disappeared. Then, she’d been emotionally freaked out and in shock.

This time she was bouncing off the walls.

First, Hope. Now, Ashley.

It was more than enough.

With that in mind, Casey strolled into the Florida room. “Ashley?”

The nanny’s head snapped around. “Ms. Woods. I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Clearly not. You look like you’re vibrating. Has something happened?”

A heartbeat of a pause. “If you mean, is there any news about Krissy, then no. So if I’m vibrating, that’s why.” Ashley gave Casey a stricken look. “It’s been way more than twenty-four hours. Whatever they’re doing to that precious little girl…it makes me sick just to think about it.”

Casey heard the genuine hysteria in Ashley’s voice. But she also picked up on her initial pause. She also picked up on the interesting fact that Ashley spoke about Krissy’s captivity without mentioning that being missing so long usually meant not just torture or sexual abuse, but death.

“Do you know something more than you’re saying, Ashley?” she asked quietly. “More than you knew the last time we spoke?”

The girl glanced at her with eyes as wild as a frightened bird. “Are you back to suspecting me? Because I swear on my life, I’d never harm Krissy.”

“And, as I said last time, I believe you.” Casey decided it was time to win Ashley’s trust. “Can we sit down for a minute?”

Sitting down with Casey looked like the last thing Ashley wanted to do. But she lowered herself dutifully onto the lounger, her back ramrod straight. Casey followed suit, making sure that she faced Ashley so as to watch her expressions, while leaving enough distance between them so the younger girl didn’t feel as if her space were being invaded.

“Do you want to ask me more questions about Krissy?” Ashley began. “Because I told you everything I know and—”

“Actually, I want to reassure you,” Casey interrupted. “I have no intention of sharing your secret.”

Ashley turned white. “My secret?”

“Yes. I won’t tell anyone—including Judge Willis.”

Now Ashley looked bewildered. “What are you talking about?”

“Obviously not what you thought I was talking about. Is there some secret you and Judge Willis share? One I should know about?”


?? Ashley answered a little too quickly. “That’s why I’m confused. What secret are you referring—”

“Your relationship with Edward Willis,” Casey supplied. “I know that you two are romantically involved.”

“Oh God.” Ashley sagged into the cushions. “How did you find out?”

You just told me, Casey thought silently. “That doesn’t matter. What matters is that I know. And I’m not here to judge you. Nor to tell the authorities or Judge Willis. So you can stop freaking out.”

Ashley blew out a breath. “I appreciate that more than you can imagine. I don’t expect you to understand. I never wanted to hurt Judge Willis. And I’m not naive enough to believe this is going anywhere. It just happened. Once. Then again. And before I knew it…let’s just say there’s something incredibly compelling about Edward. His power. His passion. I do believe that what we have is real. I’m not a diversion. But I’m not a forever either. So I hold on to the moments we get, and do the best I can to shove aside my guilt.”

“Like I said, I’m not judging you,” Casey replied. “On the other hand, I am doing you a pretty big favor by keeping quiet. So I think I’m entitled to a favor in return. Like your telling me what’s going on with Judge Willis, and how you factor into it.”


Casey rose. “I understand your loyalty to Judge Willis.” That in itself was incongruous, given the girl was sleeping with Hope’s husband. Casey refrained from saying that aloud—although she did pause long enough for the irony of her statement to sink in. “But consider this. I’m not prying. But I think your secret has to do with Krissy. And since I honestly believe that my team is the Willises’ best chance of getting Krissy back alive, I suggest you share it with me. No one and nothing is worth protecting if it endangers that child’s life. Think about it. I’ll check back with you a little later.”

As she walked out of the room, Casey could feel Ashley staring after her, fighting some internal battle.