“Even cooler,” Hutch said, coming around the bend. “He’s an FBI dog. That makes him even more famous. And he’s here just for you.”

“Wow.” Krissy leaned forward and tentatively petted Hero, who was now quiet and rolling over to get a belly scratch, having completed his task.

The bloodhound licked her palm.

“Is that woman really gone?” Krissy asked in a small, frightened voice. “And is my mommy really here?”

“Yes and yes,” Hutch supplied. He extended his hand. “Would you like to see her?”

She put her small trusting hand in his big one and nodded her tousled head, her lashes spiked with tears. “Yes.”

They made their way through the trees, retracing their steps.

“Look who’s here,” Marc announced, as he, Hutch and Hero reappeared, walking Krissy into the clearing where Hope waited.

“Mommy!” Krissy had no trouble recognizing her mother. She ran past Felicity, giving her one terrified glance, and then dashed straight into her mother’s arms, crushing Oreo and Ruby against her.

“Oh, baby. Oh, Krissy. Thank God.” Hope lifted her daughter, openly sobbing as she hugged and kissed her again and again. “You’re not hurt, are you?”

“My scratches burn.” Krissy was sobbing, too, her words barely discernible as she buried her face against her mother’s shoulder.

“But Felic—the woman who took you—she didn’t hurt you, did she?”

Krissy shook her head back and forth. “She tried to hug me. But I said no. And she stopped. She wouldn’t go away. But she wouldn’t take me home.”

“Thank God.” Hope buried her lips in her daughter’s hair. “I love you. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too. And I missed you. I was so scared. Oreo and Ruby missed you, too.” She held up the rumpled stuffed animals.

“And I missed them.” Hope planted a kiss on each of their heads. “But I know they took good care of you.”

“They did. They slept with me every night.” Krissy leaned back, gazing at her mother for corroboration. “Are we really going home?”

“We really are.” Hope looked past her daughter, taking in the entire crowd of professionals, her grateful stare lingering on Casey. “Thank you,” she managed, her voice quavering with emotion. “Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.”

Her gaze shifted to Felicity, who was standing there like a lost soul, pain and sorrow etched on her face.

“Krissy,” Hope said to her daughter. “Would you stand right here with Agen

t Hutchinson? Just for a minute. I need to talk to the woman you were with.”

Renewed fear flashed in Krissy’s eyes. “But what if she takes you, too?”

“She can’t take me. See? Her hands are chained behind her back. The police and FBI are with her. She can’t take anyone.” A painful pause as Hope inspected every inch of her child. “You’re going to be fine, baby. We all are.”

“Come on, Krissy.” Ryan stepped forward, sticking out his hand. “I’m a friend of your Mommy and of Agent Hutchinson. I spend lots of time with Hero. How about coming with Agent Hutchinson and me so that Hero can show you some of the cool tricks he knows.”

That was an excellent incentive.

Krissy let her mother lower her feet to the ground. Then, she ran over and took Ryan’s hand. She went with him over to Hutch, Marc and Hero, where she squatted down to play with the bloodhound and see what amazing feats he could do.

Certain her child was in good hands, Hope walked toward Felicity, stopping when the two sisters were face-to-face. “You are my twin,” Felicity managed, still staring at Hope as if she were part of a fairy tale. “You aren’t made-up. You’re real…. Mama was wrong. The dreams I used to have are real. When I was little…when I was scared…all that really happened. Just like it happened to Krissy. I shouldn’t have taken that car. I shouldn’t have hurt anyone, taken anything or tried to be you. But Mama said I was confused. She said I had to do these things so I could have my princess. She said it was the only way I wouldn’t be lonely when she left me forever. But it was all wrong, wasn’t it? Mama made a mistake.”

“Yes, Felicity, she did.” Hope was holding herself together by a thread. “How did you know how to do all those things? How did you know how to be me?”

“Mama helped me plan it…. Sometimes she’s not so sick. Sometimes she’s Mama. And she’s so smart. I’m smart, too. I take after her. She always says so. So we wrote down the plan. I had to become me. I had to take my baby. But I wasn’t me, was I? I was you.” Felicity gave a hard shake of her head. “I’m so confused.”

“How could you not be?” Hope replied. “You were kidnapped when we were six. You’ve lived in another world since then. I can’t imagine…” She broke off, her throat clogged with emotion. “We’re going to get you help. Then you’ll remember.”