I glance back down at my steak just as a shrill ringing cuts through the room. All three of the boys sigh as one as Roman pulls his phone from his pocket. He drops the phone onto the table and stares down at it with a heavy scowl before finally accepting the call and putting it on speaker. “Father,” Roman says, his tone low and full of disdain.

“Do you have any idea of the trouble that I have gone through for you pitiful vermin over the past twelve hours?”

Marcus lets out a deep sigh. “Always a pleasure, Father. However, you’re going to have to give us a little more than that. I’m positive that we haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t you dare play your fucked-up little games with me, boy,” he spits, attempting to put his middle son in place, only the bored expression on Marcus’ face says that he’s accomplishing absolutely nothing. “The murders in the industrial area have your stench all over it.”

“Oooooh, that,” Marcus laughs as Roman shakes his head, probably knowing all too well the dangers of messing with his father. “That was just a little misunderstanding, but don’t worry. We cleared it right up.”

“A little misunderstanding?” he roars, the sound screeching through the room and making my ears hurt. “A misunderstanding isn’t finding a limp cock on the ground next to a set of fucking intestines. What have I told you about leaving a scene like that? I’ve had the cops sniffing around me all fucking morning, asking questions and demanding answers. Do you have any idea what kind of heat you’ve put us under? Fucking hell. The whole family has to lie low.”

“We have plenty of space here,” Marcus suggests, sending a cold chill sweeping through my body as his obsidian eyes darken to a shade I’ve never seen before. “We’d be more than happy to host the entire family. I’m sure they’d love to see all the little surprises we have in store for them.”

There’s a short silence before Giovanni growls. “Explain yourselves. You’re not to leave the confines of that property without my explicit say so. You had no kill orders.”

“Ahhhh, shit,” Marcus taunts, making the situation so much worse. “You see, I must have forgotten that my own father is callous enough to keep his three sons prisoner in their own home, only allowed out to perform the kind of tasks that he doesn’t have the guts to do himself. Thanks for the reminder.”

“You dare call me weak? I taught you everything you know.”

“No, Father,” he says, his tone dropping to a deadly challenge. “You taught me how to fire a gun. Everything else, I learned by imagining the kinds of things I would do to you. If only you weren’t such a coward to show up here without your protection detail. I wonder how well you’d fare, though I also wonder what your precious family would think of you if they knew you were terrified of your own sons.”

Shots fucking fired.

My eyes bug out of my head as my jaw practically drops right to the table. I stare across the room at Marcus, hardly able to believe what I’m hearing, though the bored expressions on Levi and Roman’s faces suggests that this is a regular occurrence, but who fucking cares? This is prime time entertainment. Hell, I’m even willing to momentarily forget about the shit I saw last night just to be able to witness Giovanni DeAngelis get put in his place by his own damn son.

And here I thought the brothers overthrowing their father was some kind of big secret. If he hasn’t worked it out by now, then he’s not the fearless mafia leader that I always pictured him to be. Though, if anyone should be standing in his place, my guess would be Roman. He’s got everything he needs to rule over the whole fucking country. But that begs the question—why are they really kept as prisoners here? Are they too dangerous to be allowed their freedom due to their relaxed views on murder, or does Giovanni fear how easily they could take everything away from him?

Levi grows bored of the conversation and stands. He makes his way around the table, his gaze focused heavily on the phone in front of his eldest brother. “Anyway, Father,” he says in a lazy tone. “Like Marcus mentioned, it’s been a fucking pleasure.”


Levi stretches out in front of Roman and drops his finger to the little red button on the front of the screen, cutting off his father with a sick satisfaction deep in his eyes. “Fuck, he’s exhausting,” he says as Roman leans back in his seat and turns his gaze on Marcus.

“Really?” he questions. “Why not go right ahead and tell him our whole fucking plan to overthrow him while you were at it? I bet he’d love to know exactly how we plan on doing this.”