The violent heaves return and as the brothers force the man to his feet, I throw up, unable to handle the horrendous sight. The man sobs, the sound distorted by his missing tongue, and I look away, but the familiar sound of jeans hitting the ground has a newfound fire pulsing through my veins.

Knowing that what happens next will visit me in my dreams for nights on end, I focus my stare back on the man to find his jeans down around his ankles and Marcus’ blade pressed firmly beneath his limp dick and balls. “Oh my,” Marcus grins. “I might need a smaller blade for this one.”

“Fuck you,” the guy roars, spitting blood in Marcus’ face as what’s left of his tongue begins to swell in his mouth, slowly blocking his airway.

Marcus just laughs as Roman moves in behind the guy, holding a knife to his throat to force his cooperation. “I’m sure you’ve caught on to our little game by now,” Marcus mutters darkly, his tone filled with a menacing promise to draw this out for as long as he can.

“I have one last question for you,” Marcus continues, pausing as he applies just a little more pressure on the blade. “What do you think happens to a rapist who tries to steal the innocence out of what’s mine?”

Rather than making a quick arc and slicing his dick right off, Marcus begins moving the knife slowly left and right like he was slicing a loaf of bread, tearing through the sensitive skin and painstakingly taking from him just as he had planned to take from me.

The bile in my throat rises as I frantically clamp one hand over my mouth. This man was going to rape me. He was going to torture and kill me in the vilest way. I want to look at anything but the carnage in front of me, but I can't bring myself to avert my eyes. His death is the sweetest revenge I'll ever get.

Once the blade has completed its mission of world domination, and the floppy torn appendage is lying in a pool of blood, the man falls to the ground where he slowly bleeds out.

Knowing that he won’t be going anywhere, Marcus and Levi stride out of the warehouse as though they didn’t just brutally murder six men.

Roman steps toward me. His hard glare meets my tear-stained face, and as he towers over me, I want nothing more than to shrink away. “Move,” he growls, his single word filled with venom and a guarantee that I will surely be punished for my escape attempt.

Knowing better than to make things worse for myself, I get up on shaky legs and move my ass across the warehouse, stepping over discarded limbs and pools of intestines before hurrying back to the safety of the Escalade.


My stomach grumbles as I sit cross-legged on my bed. It’s been twenty-four hours since the attack at the old warehouse and I’ve been grateful that the boys have left me in peace.

What I saw there … I just can’t get the images out of my head.

The blood, the blades, the floppy appendage on the ground.

The DeAngelis brothers are so much worse than I thought they were. I knew they were dangerous, and I sure as hell knew they were brutal monsters, but what I witnessed was far beyond anything I could have even imagined.

Before I met them, when someone mentioned their names, the first thought that came to mind was the callous way they would blindly shoot someone without rhyme or reason, just like I witnessed with that girl at their party. Though, she should have known better than to try and steal from the DeAngelis brothers.

News of their attacks were constantly splashed on my old television, but I’m only now just realizing how many details those news stories were leaving out. I have to give them credit, they certainly know a thing or two about creativity.

I mean … his fucking dick? Who cuts off a man’s dick? Don’t get me wrong, the asshole deserved it. He never got a chance to touch me, but I’m not so naive to think that I was the only one, and others might not have been so lucky. Though, perhaps the word lucky doesn’t exactly fit the situation.

I am anything but lucky.

That shot Marcus made from across the warehouse, plunging the knife into the runner’s throat, was perfect in all the wrong ways. The strength and precision that must have taken astounds me, while the way Levi gutted that man with such a practiced skill only goes to show how often they’ve done this.

Roman though, he didn’t even think twice before slicing that man’s hand right off his body and then plunging that dagger through his throat to pierce his heart.

My stomach twists with the thought and I find myself bolting across my room, slamming through the door of my private bathroom before my knees drop against the cool marble tiles. A violent heave tears through me as I hang my head over the rim of the toilet, only just like the million other times that I’ve been here, not a damn thing comes out.