I scurry back, unable to look away from the horrors as my heart races, the terror quickly pulsing through my veins. Marcus plays with his guy, dragging out his fun as Roman becomes surrounded by the three other men.

He holds them off with ease, pulling a blood-red dagger, and with a quick flick of his wrist, his blade severs a guy’s hand clean off his body. He falls to his knees in agony and the loud grunt that tears from deep within him is one that will haunt me until my dying days. He throws his head back to scream, and not missing such a welcoming opportunity, Roman quickly finishes him off with his red blade searing straight down through the hollow at the base of his neck, not stopping until the tip of his blade pierces straight through his heart.

Roman leaves him drowning in his own blood, and as he turns to focus on the two remaining, Levi offers a helpful hand.

He steps in behind the chunkier one, leaving the easy kill for Roman, and politely taps on his shoulder as though he’s about to discuss the man’s extended warranty. Only as he turns, Levi whips his arm around in a low arc, slicing a thick blade from one hip to the other. Bile rises in my throat and I hold back a violent heave as his intestines tumble from his open wound like a string of sausages sploshing against the dirty ground with a sickening splash.

What the ever-loving fuck am I witnessing right now? They’re brutal. Callous. Unforgiving. And fuck, they actually enjoy this shit.

Marcus’ howling laughter only goes to prove that he’s putting in the bare minimum to play with his guy so he can still watch the vile slaughtering going on around him like the sick fuck that he is. But why the hell not? They’re down to two against the three brothers, and so far, only thirty seconds have passed. If this gets them off, they might as well take their time.

Roman quickly takes care of the other guy, leaving just the asshole from last night’s party. I block out what’s left of the five other bodies scattered around the dirty concrete floor and focus on the fear radiating out of the man’s eyes.

His body is covered head to toe with shallow cuts, each one of them delivered swiftly by Marcus’ blade. He trembles as both Roman and Levi surround him, and honestly, I don’t blame him. I’d be a fucking mess too. Hell, it’s not even me standing against them and I’m a mess.

Roman and Levi take the guy’s arms and hold them out as Marcus steps into him and kicks his legs far apart. “It seems we’ve got ourselves a bit of a situation,” Marcus mutters, his sick gaze trailing across to where I hide, trembling in a dark corner of the warehouse. His attention turns back to the man. “But don’t worry, we’re going to make things right.”

The guy tugs and pulls at the brothers’ tight hold, but I’ve been on the other end of their strength. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. They’re machines—impenetrable and relentless. If they want to hold you down, then that’s where you will stay, until they deem otherwise.

Marcus tosses a blade aside and it clatters against the ground before he pulls out a fresh one, twice the size and somehow even shinier. This is the kind of blade that means business.

As if reading each other’s mind, Roman and Levi release their hold on him and kick out the back of his knees. He falls forward, catching himself against his hands, and before he can make a move, the boys’ heavy boots come crashing down over his hands, keeping him pinned on his hands and knees.

Marcus crouches in front of him, his blade glistening in the light. “Do you know what happens to men who touch what’s mine?” he questions as the guy stares up at him in horror. “They lose their ability to.”

Without warning, the blade comes down over his hand, effortlessly slicing his four fingers straight off as he roars in agony. Marcus laughs, getting the worst kind of enjoyment out of this, but before even a drop of blood can even spill out on the ground, Roman grips his hair and yanks his head right back, forcing his stare back up to Marcus.

“Do you know what happens to a man who spits filthy words at my girl?” Marcus questions, sending dread flowing through my body. I shake my head, not wanting this to be true, but as I watch Levi grab a pair of pliers from his pocket and force the guy’s mouth open, I know exactly where this is leading.

After a short struggle, Levi stands before the guy, his tongue held tightly between the pair of pliers as Marcus moves in beside his younger brother. “A man who talks down at what’s mine, will never speak again.” And with that, they take his tongue, letting it fall to the ground as blood spurts out of his mouth.