“Enjoying what’s mine, I see,” a familiar deep tone rumbles, cutting through the pain and sending the slightest sliver of hope coursing through my veins. “You know, I could have sworn that I warned you about touching what was mine just last night.”

The guy spins around, his movement allowing me to see Marcus stepping out of the shadows, but he’s not the only one. Roman comes from the back of the warehouse as Levi steps in from the left. The three grim reapers, coming to put my misery to an end. At least, that’s how I’m assuming this is going to go. I can’t imagine that they’re thrilled with me right now.

The guy shakes his head as the men holding me down rush to get to their feet, recognizing the threat in the room, and knowing that despite their numbers, they don’t stand a fucking chance. “The fucking bitch ain’t worth it,” he spits. “You left her wandering around my property. She’s mine now. You know how this works.”

Roman laughs and it almost sounds like he pities the man, but he is as good as dead, so I guess it doesn’t matter what bullshit spurts from his mouth tonight. There’s no changing the outcome of what’s about to go down. Though it’s a real shame he had to go and involve all his friends in this. All he’s done here tonight is sign their death certificates too.

As the surrounding men keep their attention on the brothers, I scramble to my feet, grabbing my sweatpants before racing toward Roman. He’s probably the least likely to care about keeping me safe, but he’s also the least likely to allow anyone to slip past him. I see him as the brutal, unforgiving type. He’d be the type to get in and get the job done where the other two I fear would take their time, enjoy their kills to satisfy that wicked piece of their dark souls.

Being away from their circle allows me the chance to breathe and take it all in. As far as I can see, the boys aren’t holding any weapons, but they’re also wearing black hoodies that probably have a million places to stash blades or guns. Though something tells me that their greatest weapons are their hands.

They slowly start creeping in toward the men, and I watch as the cocky confidence quickly fades from each of their faces. They know better than most what kind of guys they’re dealing with and running their mouths certainly didn’t do them any favors.

There are six of them standing in the center of the warehouse, and as I glance across at Levi on the opposite side of the room, I take in the focused excitement brewing in his eyes. This is the kind of night that he dreams about.

One of the assholes who had been holding me down, cuts and bails. He turns on his heel and bolts for the open warehouse door, leaving his boys to face the DeAngelis wrath, knowing that he doesn’t stand a chance if he were to stay.

I watch him go and the brothers allow him to get ahead just a few steps before Marcus’ hand flies out with the force of a striking python. I watch with wide eyes as a silver blade sails through the air with lightning speed, and with a sickening crunch, plunges straight through the back of the runner’s throat.

I suck in a loud gasp, shrinking back as the runner comes to an immediate standstill. He turns, the dim light of the warehouse barely shining upon him as his fingers claw at his throat. A gurgling sound fills the warehouse, and as blood pours out the corners of his mouth, the man falls to his knees, the dim light glistening against the tip of the blade that protrudes from the front of his throat.

A perfect shot.

My eyes widen in horror and I fall back, scrambling to get further away as I watch the man fall forward and quickly begin to bleed out. His men roar in fury, and before I can even let out a scream, the brothers descend.

Their speed is like nothing I’ve ever seen before, going from a standstill to a powerful sprint as they race in for what I’m sure they believe to be the sweetest kind of revenge. Marcus goes straight for the guy I’d stabbed as Roman aims for the two closest to him.

Levi is the quickest and reaches the guy closest to him before he even gets his gun pulled from the back of his stained jeans. I scream, a blood-curdling sound as I watch Levi violently snap the guy’s neck with a ferocious twist. His head all but comes right off his fucking body with a loud crunch before Levi releases him, letting him crumble into a sorry pile at his feet.