I finally come down from my high and Levi steps back away from me, his knowing eyes dropping to mine before that smug as fuck grin settles over his lips. Then still with his tumbler in his hand, he takes a well-deserved sip and walks away with his brother trailing behind him, neither of them saying a damn word as they leave me weak and panting for more.

Needing a moment to regain my energy as the last of the ice finally melts, I grab the edges of my torn dress and pull them tightly around me before dropping down on the very couch that Roman had been sitting on only a short moment ago.

I pull my legs up, feeling that delicious burn inside of me as I uncap the bottle of bourbon and take a quick hit, unsure of what the hell is going on, what their intentions are, or what the hell is going to happen to me.

My head drops back onto the soft cushion and as I stare out the massive window, both of the big black wolves come strutting into the room. One drops down in the space below me where my feet would have been as the other jumps up on the seat beside me, making himself comfortable as he drops his big head into my lap.

My heart races, the fear of their closeness fucking with my head, but what’s new? I guess I’m officially part of the family now. Weirder things have happened over the past few days, so with another sip of bourbon, my hand drops to the big wolf’s head and I relax back into the couch, more at ease in this gigantic castle than ever before.


Water rains down over me as I tip my head back into the hot stream of the best shower I’ve ever had. My living situation isn’t exactly ideal, but I can definitely get used to this kick ass shower. My room is a bit bland, but I’m not about to complain to the brothers about it. Knowing my luck, Roman would just crack the shits and send me straight back down to the torture chamber while Marcus would simply suggest painting the walls with blood to brighten it up.

I earned my new room fair and square. I played them at their own game, and for once, the risk paid off. Though Roman hasn’t exactly cooled all the way down after his father’s visit this afternoon, so there’s still time for him to go back on his word. After all, the deal was that I kept my mouth shut, and I couldn’t quite come through on my end.

The exhaustion of last night’s party combined with the whiplash that I’m constantly getting from the brothers completely claimed me, and after sitting on the couch with the two ginormous wolves all afternoon, I woke in a daze to find myself alone on the couch with the sun nowhere to be seen.

Falling asleep out in the open like that probably wasn’t my greatest moment. I left myself vulnerable in a place that I was unfamiliar with. Anyone could have walked in, and what if people from last night’s party were still lingering in the castle?

Levi confirming their intentions were never to kill me has gone a long way in easing my constant fear. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still there and as consuming as ever, but I seem to have a better handle on it. After all, in the space of only a few days, I have been kidnapped, tortured, and stalked. Not to mention the fact that at least three people lost their lives during last night’s party, and the doctor only hours before. Hell, I even stabbed a guy. But just because they don’t intend to kill me, doesn’t mean that I’m safe.

Waking up in the living room and not having any of the guys in sight, I used it to my full advantage, flying through the rooms and trying to find a way out of here. Every door was locked with an electronic keypad, and none of the windows were able to be opened. This castle is a fortress, but I guess that’s just the way it has to be when you have so many enemies. It’s the final defense for keeping them out of their home, but then, I guess the same could be said if someone were trying to keep them in.

I put it to the back of my mind as I take my time scrubbing my hair and attempting to wash off the horrendous memories I’ve collected over the past few days, but it’s not that simple. The feeling of shoving a blade inside that man’s body is going to haunt me for as long as I live. Hell, I stabbed Marcus too.

What the hell has gotten into me? These guys need to keep me away from knives, though to be fair, a girl needs every bit of protection she can get in a place like this.