I stare for a long moment, still unable to come to terms with the fact that these guys have somehow managed to get their hands on these wolves. They’re wild animals, and yet they’re lying in their laps like they’re part of the family. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to find they had spiked collars with their names engraved on a tag.

Dragging my feet, I make my way across the room, more than aware of the way the big wolf tracks my every move. I’m not really an animal person, but if I were, I’d have a bunny or something small that doesn’t require too much attention. Animals like this freak me out and, judging by the way he’s watching me with his black eyes glistening in the light, he knows.

I bet he’s dreaming about tearing my arm right off my body and spending the rest of his day happily gnawing on the bone.

Not having the chance to explore this room before, my gaze sweeps over every corner. It’s got the guys’ signature gothic feel to it, but it also looks like they’ve spent a shitload of money in here. There are high ceilings with beautiful trim. Massive windows frame the front of the room as a huge fireplace takes up the side wall, complete with beautiful white bookshelves around it. Really, it looks like a massive fire hazard, but who am I to judge their styling?

A cozy seating area has been built into the lower part of each massive bay window, and I find myself curling into a ball in the furthest window from the brothers. It’s comfy as hell and gives me a perfect view of the front section of the property. Definitely worth the cash that Daddy Warbucks was probably forced to spend.

I can’t help but follow the winding driveway far into the hills until I can’t possibly see any further, but all that does is leave a heaviness settling inside my chest. I’m so far away from reality that I’ll never see freedom, but I guess I don’t have to fear the brothers as much as I have been, seeing as though their endgame doesn’t revolve around dismembering me. But it still leaves me wondering why.

Their harsh stares focus on me as I stare out the window and I can’t help but stare back. “What?” I demand, narrowing my eyes, not liking the way they so comfortably leer at me.

Levi shrugs his shoulders. “Nothing,” he mutters as a teasing grin pulls at the corners of his lips. “Just odd seeing you sitting there in silence. I was getting used to your constant raging and bitching. It’s peaceful.”

I roll my eyes and look back out the window, curling my arms around my knees until I’m in a tight ball. “I know this might come as a shock to you, but when I feel that my life is being threatened or … I don’t know, I feel that someone is being such an asshole that my pussy dries up, I feel that it’s my civil duty to let it be known.”

Roman mutters something under his breath and I make a point not to look his way. Instead, I glance right back over my shoulder to the section of the property which is mostly hidden away. My brow arches as I find the overgrown maze and a shiver travels right through my body.

That night wasn’t one of my fondest memories of this place so far. The feeling of being stalked and chased, the fear of complete hopelessness, and of course, the horrifying terror of turning a corner to find one of the brothers standing there waiting for me. It wasn’t my idea of fun, but it certainly was theirs.

“You guys are real assholes,” I murmur, keeping my gaze locked on the maze. “That shit was next level fucked up, like … who even does that?”

A low rumble echoes through the room and it takes me a moment to realize they’re laughing at me. A loud huff tears from within me as I fly to my feet and start storming to the door. “Fuck this,” I mutter under my breath, intent to spend the rest of my day staring at the back of my bedroom door.

“Chill out,” Roman says, reaching out and gripping my wrist as I pass him. “It was just a bit of harmless fun.” Without warning, he pulls back on my wrist and all but throws me right into his brother.

Marcus catches me with ease, flipping me around like a ragdoll so that my back is pressed up against his wide chest, his hands tightly gripping my waist, but it’s not in protection, there’s something possessive about it.

Before I get a chance to pull myself out of his grasp, Roman’s bottle of bourbon is thrust into my hands. “Have a drink, Empress. Fuck knows that temper of yours could use it.”