The room is dark and gloomy, though to expect anything different would be foolish of me. The whole party is a vibe. It’s sophisticated and clearly an invite-only type of thing, but it’s also wild in ways that I’ve never experienced at the club.

Girls are dancing on tables, their bras falling to the ground as men linger and grab at their bodies. Their hands are encouraged whereas at the club, most girls would be pulling away from guys like this. Couples are fucking out in the open, rough and unforgiving, while others stand back and watch in appreciation, but what really gets me are the pills circling the room.

Cocaine is being used at nearly every table while I watch in horror as drinks are spiked all over the room. Hell, it’s the reason why I’m going on the fourth hour of this party without even a sip of water.

A hard stare hits me from across the room and I can’t resist glancing up to find Roman’s eyes locked on mine. He’s been watching me all night, along with his brothers, but Roman is the most focused. Levi has been so engrossed with his drums that he barely even notices the party around him, while Marcus is busy getting fucked up, making it clear whose idea this party really was. Though, the thought of Marcus losing control like this is just as horrifying as the idea of being alone with him, especially considering that his hand hasn’t even begun to heal yet.

A woman sits beside Roman, too close for comfort, and I don’t miss the way her gaze continuously sweeps over my body. She’s been watching me all night while whispering in Roman’s ear and running her taloned fingernails up and down his strong thigh, but it’s the way he encourages it that has my blood turning cold.

Trying to ignore them, I focus my attention on the task at hand. Drink orders are coming at me left, right, and center, and damn, they’re fucking pissed that I can barely keep up, but what were they expecting? There’s one of me and hundreds of them. Sure, I’m used to this level of demand coming from the club, but there’s usually a few girls working it with me, and I’m sure as hell not restricted to the bar by a fucking chain and choker. Though, not a single person has even looked twice at my choker, balked, or questioned it. It’s just considered normal. I don’t know if I should be comforted by that or if I should be scared shitless.

I guess by now, I should just start rolling with the punches.

The music is so loud that I barely even notice when the drumming stops from across the room, but when it does, it has my full attention. My gaze shifts as I scurry to fill a glass of the most expensive whiskey that I’ve ever come across, but what I find has my heart thundering in my chest.

A girl in nothing but a black diamanté thong steps around Levi, moving into the small space between him and the drums, effectively cutting off his music. She takes the drum sticks right out of his hands and balances them on his set.

The audacity of this woman has me in awe. What girl in her right mind would have the guts to do that? She must be suicidal.

She takes his hands and places them on her body, and I watch, completely captivated by the way he scans over her naked breasts. They’re full and perky, exactly what every man is hoping to have thrust in his face, and I’m not going to lie, her confidence with him is pulling at something inside of me.

She drops to her knees and I watch as she reaches for the front of his pants. Surely, he’s going to push her away and tell her to go and fuck some other sorry asshole, but when he allows her to continue, a fierce jealously cuts through me.

I tear my gaze away and quickly fill my order before taking another, but the compulsion is too strong, and I find myself looking back to find Levi’s massive cock standing tall and proud. His fist hovers at the base of his cock but she quickly replaces it with her own, freeing his hands to grab his drum sticks once again.

Her tongue starts at his base and it works right up to his tip before she closes her mouth over him. His eyes close in pleasure for just a brief second and within moments, his drumsticks are coming down on his set, creating the most erotic sound I’ve ever heard.

Her head bobs up and down as her mouth barely fits around him. He’s huge, just like his brother, though I’m not surprised. Guys that exude that kind of confidence simply don’t come with small equipment. Hell, I can only imagine what Roman’s would be like. But damn, right now, all I can seem to think about is Levi’s.