Levi and Roman just watch on with curiosity, wondering how all of this is going to play out, and damn it, I’m fucking curious too, but after what I said in the hallway, I’m fucking done for.

As if in slow motion, I watch as Marcus curls his fingers around the handle of the steak knife. His eyes bore into mine, and as he slowly pulls the serrated knife out of his skin, his eyes shimmer with excitement.

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

Blood pours from his hand, and just when I think the same blade is about to slice a deep arc across my throat, it’s tossed into the center of the table. The clattering sound of the blade against wood is the only noise I hear in the whole room as I realize that he truly does get off on the pain.

He straightens, letting the blood fall to the ground as his lips pull up into a sick grin. “I’ll be seeing you.” And just like that, Marcus DeAngelis strides from the room, leaving both of his brothers watching after him.

I stare in horror, unable to believe that I just stabbed a fucking psycho in the hand, and damn it, the fucker liked it. I’m screwed in all the worst ways. He’s not going to forget it and I’m going to pay the price. Shit, it’s one thing mouthing off to them, but this? What the hell is wrong with me?

“The fuck was that?” Levi’s deep tone cuts through the room, stealing my attention away from the empty doorway to find his confused stare on his brother. “Why didn’t he kill her? Marcus doesn’t play like that.”

Roman’s lips press into a tight line, and as his narrowed stare comes back to mine, he leans back in his seat as though he has all the answers in the world. “He’s fucking her.”

Levi throws himself to his feet, his fists leaning against the hardwood table as his sharp glare penetrates my own. “That true?” he demands, making me swallow hard and pull back in my seat as though I could somehow get further away from him. “Did you spread your legs hoping that he’ll take it easy on you?”

“Fuck off,” I snap back at him, deciding that I’m already in hot water and that it can’t possibly get any worse. “How the hell do you think it went down? He came in to feed me sloppy leftovers and I got on my knees and begged him to fuck me? Screw you. You know damn well that fucking psycho was the one who came to me looking for a good fuck. He even brought his chains with him, but I’m not going to lie, it was damn good, and if he comes looking for more, I’m sure as fuck going to give it to him.”

Levi’s hand snakes out, smashing into a glass of water and sending it flying across the room, slamming into the wall and shattering into a million little pieces. “You’ll do no such thing.”

“Oh yeah?” I laugh. “And how do you plan on stopping me? Face it, you’re going to sleep at some point, and when you do, he’s going to come looking for more and I’m going to let him have it. You know it’s true, don’t you? He didn’t kill me just now, and you and I both know that’s because he’s not done with me yet.”

Levi growls, his anger filling the room like a toxic gas as he stalks to the door, surely to go and have a word with his brother, only he stops at the door and looks back at me. “Did you make him come?”

I scoff and lean back in my seat. “Do you really think he’d be looking for more if I couldn’t make him come?”

“FUCK,” Levi spits, rubbing his hands over his face before glaring at his brother. “He knew the fucking rules.”

“Take it up with him,” Roman says, not caring about who or what has taken possession of my pussy.

Levi’s frustration gets the best of him as he turns back to me. “Where?”

“Huh?” I question, my face scrunching in confusion as I watch the frustration cross over Levi’s, the tattoos winding up his arms and neck seeming to move across his skin again.

Levi steps back up to the table, standing directly opposite me as he leans forward, bracing himself against the table and looking at me as though he could kill me with just his stare alone. “Where. Did. He. Come?” Levi demands, clearly annoyed that he doesn’t have an answer already.

I push my chair back and stand, slowly walking around the table and putting myself right in front of him. I reach forward and grab his junk, loving the way his eyes flame with rage. “Don’t worry, soldier. He didn’t come in my tight little cunt if that’s what you’re asking, but I’m not going to say no if you wanted to,” I whisper, Marcus’ demand for me to not play around with his brothers sitting at the forefront of my mind. “I don’t mind sharing, but something tells me that Marcus isn’t so inclined.”