They float toward me in complete silence, their shoes barely even touching the ground as they move. It’s creepy as hell, and has me wishing that I could sink back into the wall and disappear for good. Levi is the closest and he doesn’t hold back as he steps into me, his calloused fingers instantly curling around my throat as his thumb forces my chin up and jerks my head to meet his feral stare.

His head is tilted and those dark, creepy eyes seem to dive straight through my own to read every damn thought I’ve ever had. He towers over me, and although my stare is focused heavily on his, I’m still aware of exactly where his brothers stand in the room.

My heart races and I don’t doubt that he can feel it through the pulse in my neck, though even if he couldn’t, he would know. He’s just that kind of guy. He gets off on the thought of fear. It’s fucked up in every kind of way, but damn, it suits him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he growls slowly, his deep tone vibrating right through my chest as every word is spoken slowly and with intent, making sure that I don’t miss just how out of line I am right now.

My gaze flicks toward Roman and Marcus who watch through hard, narrowed stares, and I quickly realize that once again, I’m out in the wilderness fending for myself. Levi’s tight grip pulls on my chin, forcing my stare back to his, and judging by the sharp growl in the back of his throat, he didn’t appreciate me looking away in the first place. “I … I …”

His grip tightens on my throat, making it impossible to get my words out, but something tells me that he’s not interested in listening to me grovel for forgiveness. “We reward you by allowing you to stay in a room, giving you food and water, new clothes and access to a bathroom and this is how you repay us? You betrayed our trust.”

My eyes bug out of my head and before I even know what I’m doing, my hands are slamming into his chest. I pull back, tearing my chin right out of his tight grip. “Betrayed?” I laugh, knowing that from here on out, I’m not going to be able to control a damn thing that comes flying out of my mouth. “You really are fucked in the head.”

A pissed-off growl comes from over Levi’s left shoulder and my gaze instantly flicks toward Marcus. “Watch yourself,” he warns. “You’re two seconds away from finding yourself in the lion’s den, and trust me when I tell you, that’s not somewhere you’ll ever come back from.”

I scoff at his remarks. “Oh wow, another death threat. Really? You’ve gotta find a little more originality with your bullshit. They’re becoming laughable or at the very least, unimaginative and doubtful. Come on, you’re the famous DeAngelis brothers. When are you actually going to act like it? You’re letting the system down. The whole country is under the belief that you guys are these terrible monstrous serial killers and the best you can come up with is a lion’s den that I’ll never come back from? God! What have we all been so scared of?”

Marcus’s eyes narrow in rage and I try with everything that I have not to imagine the way his sculpted body rolled as he fucked me into submission, so I turn my attention straight back to Levi before I start begging for more

“Tell me,” I ask, clenching my jaw and raising my chin in defiance, more than ready to push all three of them right over the edge. I step a little closer, knowing just how dangerous this little game is but not willing to relent. “How the hell can someone betray you when you never had their loyalty to start with?”

Roman steps in closer as Levi just stares back at me, his jaw clenched as the fury rolls off him in waves. “Might I remind you that we own you? We don’t earn loyalty; we’re entitled to it. It’s ours whether you want to give it or not.”

I roll my eyes, knowing their patience is quickly running out, but fuck them. It’s one thing being their little kidnappee, but I refuse to be their little pet as well. “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m being held hostage here. I’m not your little friend who’s come for a visit. You kidnapped me, and that sure as hell doesn’t entitle you to claim ownership over me. I own me, nobody else. Fuck your little deal you made with my father, that’s between you and him. It has nothing to do with me, and if you want to collect, then you can take something from him because I’m not it. So, let’s be clear, no matter what you say to me, what sweet little nothings you and your brothers want to whisper in my ear, if I get a chance to fuck up your little game, I will take it. You. Do. Not. Own. Me. And I sure as fuck don’t owe you my loyalty.”