The familiar sound of padded paws slamming against the hard ground has my back straightening with fear. I should have known that they’d get their wolves involved in this bullshit, but while they’re stalking me through the maze, something tells me that the brothers have these animals trained. They’re not going to hurt me unless specifically asked to. In their little animal heads, they’re probably just out for a run with their twisted masters.

The rustling continues, getting closer and closer as I hear my name whispered through the thick bushes, daring me to give up, daring me to come just a little bit closer. I feel them there, feel them close but they’re hidden within the bushes, haunting it and turning my already fragile mind into a complete mess.

Disorientation claims me and I have absolutely no idea where to go, but when I take the next left and trip over a low riding branch, I go sprawling out on the ground, scratching the shit out of my elbows.

The exhaustion quickly catches up to me and within mere seconds, a massive wolf is hovering over me, his sharp, intimidating gaze locked on me, ready to attack at a moment’s notice.

Terror rocks through me and I keep still as the sight of his sharp teeth has a million thoughts racing through my mind, all to do with just how quickly he could tear out my throat, but it’s not enough to keep the heaving sobs at bay.

My head hangs into my hands as that little beacon of hope completely disappears, helping me to finally realize that no matter what I do or what the brothers promise, there will never be freedom for me.

I struggle to catch my breath as the wolf watches me with a cautious eye. He’s as still as the gargoyles up on the roof of the mansion, that is until a hooded figure steps around the corner with the other wolf right by his side.

He strides toward me and with a simple flick of his wrist, the wolf hovering over me retreats to his master.

The wolves both sit and as the hooded brother keeps moving toward me, the other two brothers start moving in from different directions, not stopping until I’m completely surrounded.

The brother directly in front of me crouches down, slowly peeling his hood back and pushing the mask up over his face to reveal the devilish face below.

Roman. Why am I not surprised?

The two brothers on either side don’t bother revealing their faces, but what’s the point? It’s not like I don’t know who they are.

Roman shakes his head, his eyes flaming with fury. “You broke our number one rule,” he says, his condescending tone itching at my skin.

Do not run.

“No,” I rush out, the tears staining my face. “That’s not fair. You told me to run. You told me that you would let me go if I found the end. I … I …” Realization dawns on me and my eyes widen in horror, the dread sinking heavily into my chest. “There is no end to this fucking maze, that’s the damn catch, isn’t it?”

Roman’s eyes sparkle with laughter and just like that, I know I’m right. I played right into their hands. I allowed them to give me hope, only to have it thrown back in my face. I stupidly trusted his word and believed that if I just kept trying, I would find the end of the maze. Even after searching the whole thing, I never once stopped to think that he was lying. I guess that’s what I get for allowing one of the DeAngelis brothers to give me hope.

“You’re an asshole,” I cry, the devastation quickly washing over me.

Roman just smiles, his eyes sparkling as though he just had the time of his life, not even a hint of guilt in his dark gaze.

Levi’s familiar tone breaks through the silence to my right and my head whips in his direction. “Break our rules, little one, and you must be punished.”

Marcus’ harrowing laugh echoes through the maze as I scramble to my feet, the tears refusing to ease. “No,” I cry, my helpless tone breaking my own damn heart as my head spins, the lack of water and energy quickly beginning to claim me. “I played your stupid game. He said that I could go. I … I did everything right.”

“But did you?” Roman laughs, moving into me as my body sways. He leans in close, his warm breath brushing along my clammy skin. His voice drops down low, taking on a darkness that I’ve never experienced from any of them before. “Don’t be fooled, Empress. You will never be free.”

And just like that, I crumble back to the ground, not one of the stubborn, twisted psychos around me even daring to catch me.