Levi or Roman is the most I could hope for. If their plans are to kill me, I feel that Levi would at least do it quickly. He’d probably love it and it’d be ruthless, but it’d be simple. A slit throat or a bullet to the head maybe, unlike Marcus who would likely take his sweet ass time.

Roman on the other hand, he strikes me as the type to torture me mentally and have me begging for sweet death before he’s even laid a finger on me. He would be the worst yet somehow inflict the least pain. He’d be savage and twisted in his own fucked-up way and it’s absolutely terrifying. Both he and Levi come off as calculated, whereas Marcus is unpredictable.

Though, I can only imagine what the three of them would be like if they were working together.

My chest constricts, squeezing with fear and tormenting me like never before. What the hell am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to save myself? I’m at a disadvantage. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. I’m theirs to do whatever they please and there’s not a damn thing I can do to stop them.

I’m like the piñata at a kid’s birthday party, hanging from a tree with a massive target on my back, just begging to be beaten and broken.

Shivers spread over my clammy skin. How could my father submit me to this? I know we don’t speak and haven’t for years, but surely I mean more to him than this?

Fuck him. I hope he rots in the deepest pits of hell.

The silence in the room weighs heavily on my shoulders, just as the lack of sight does. I let out a shaky breath and keep my stare focused on the door despite not being able to see a damn thing, and just as I try to convince myself that it’s all in my head, a feral growl rumbles through my torture chamber.

My back straightens as my eyes widen in fear. There really is something in here with me, but fuck, that growl was anything but human. It was almost … animal, but that couldn’t be right. No animal is stalking this twisted old castle and pushing open heavy dungeon doors, right? Because that shit would be insane.

The growl sounds again, this time just a little bit closer and a thick lump forms in my throat.

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

I’m going to get mauled. I can just imagine the sharp talon-like claws slicing through my skin like butter. At least this shit show can finally be over. Whatever the fuck this thing is can kill me, and hopefully, it’ll make it fast. If it really is an animal, then at least I’d die humanely, rather than being tortured by one of the brothers. There won’t be any twisted mind games, no calculated slicing, no tormenting and making me watch, just an animal tearing me to shreds.


I close my eyes and breathe as I wait for the inevitable. Slowly in. Slowly out. And repeat.

The animal moves in a little closer and I feel its hot breath against my legs before that same ferocious growl rocks through me again. Whatever the fuck this is, it’s angry, and my presence here has clearly pissed it off.

A moment passes and I feel the hot breath moving toward my knee and I hold as still as possible while it tries to get a good read on me, but in a flash, the breath is gone. I hear the sound of rustling shooting past the open door before padded footfalls are bounding up the long hallway.

I keep still, my eyes refusing to move from the big door as my heart thunders in my chest.

What the fuck was that?

Confusion settles into my veins as that horrified feeling in my gut slowly seems to fade. I don’t feel eyes on me, and I sure as hell don’t feel a presence in the room anymore, yet the door remains wide open.

Surely this little game isn’t over. They wouldn’t just leave like that. They’re smarter than this, but then, maybe this is another one of their ridiculous tests. Marcus’ twisted words from the dinner table come back to me, haunting me with their devilish undertones. ‘When it’s time to play, you better be ready. Girls who refuse us don’t often enjoy what comes next.’

Dread sits heavily against my chest. If the door has been left open, then this must be exactly what he was talking about. They want me to play their game. They want my curiosity to get the best of me. They want me to try and run, but on the other hand, they also made it pretty fucking clear what would happen to me if I was to try and run. No matter what I do, it won’t end well for me.