Levi's head tilts to the side, the same way his brother’s had moved right before he knocked me out cold. “The gown belonged to my mother,” he tells me in a flat, emotionless tone. “And you’re right. She is fucking dead. Now put the gown on before I do it myself, and trust me when I tell you, you won’t like it.”

My jaw clenches and I refuse to tear my gaze away from his, but even if I wanted to, it’s not possible. He holds me hostage with his stare alone, but now that stare seems so much more than just anger.

“Now,” he orders, his tone dropping even lower, probably pissed that my question brought up the memory of his dead mother, but seriously, how was I supposed to know?

“You want to dress me up like a fucking Barbie doll in your dead mother’s clothes? You don’t see how messed-up that is?”

His jaw clenches and the thick muscles of his neck flinch, making his winding tattoos almost seem real. His fingers ball into fists at his side and my gaze settles onto them, knowing that with just one punch, I could be dead.

I let out a shaky breath and slowly drag my gaze back up his wide body to meet his stare, knowing that I’ve already pushed him too far, but I can’t figure out what game we’re playing. Do I sit quietly and do what I’m asked in hopes of delaying the inevitable, or do I go all out, balls to the wall and make their time with me just as hellish as my time with them?

My fingers scrunch into the soft silk and I struggle to take a deep breath, wanting to get down to business. “Why me?” I ask in a small voice, already exhausted by his bullshit.

His gaze hardens and I realize all too quickly that he’s not about to start explaining anything. I’m going to be left in the dark for as long as the boys deem necessary.

Levi doesn’t budge, just remains before me with his intimidating size, more than ready to take action if I don’t hurry up and do what he’s asking. So with no other choice, I release the fabric between my fingers and pull it over my head, letting it slide into place, momentarily hating those few short moments that the silk masks my sight.

The gothic gown fits me like a glove, sailing down my body until the hem is gently grazing the stone beneath my feet. The neckline plunges down between my breasts with a flimsy piece of material holding it together and keeping my tits from spilling out, but the plunging neckline has nothing on the back … or lack thereof. It sails right down to my ass, and if I were any shorter, I’m positive that my whole ass would be hanging out.

My gaze flicks back to Levi’s and he takes a step back, his dead eyes scanning over the subtle curve of my body and taking me in, but his face doesn’t change. He gives absolutely nothing away, and just like that, he turns on his heel and stalks toward the cell door.

“Move,” he demands, not bothering to look back, assuming that I will follow him blindly, but what choice has he really given me? I can either stay here in a fucking haunted cell, or I can follow him, getting a brief understanding of the property’s layout and hopefully learning a little something about why the fuck I’m here. So without another second of hesitation, my bare feet drag along the cold stone and I move my fucking ass.

Levi’s strides are wide, making it nearly impossible to keep up with him, but I do my best while keeping myself far enough away to make a run for it if I see an opportunity, but something tells me that an opportunity like that isn’t going to fall into my lap. Besides, judging by the size of him, he’d be able to catch me within moments.

If I’m going to try and escape, then I have to be smart about it, and running rampant around their home, having absolutely no idea where I’m going doesn’t exactly classify me as the sharpest tool in the shed.

Levi leads me through a dark tunnel-like hallway, dimly lit by small pendant lamps that send waves of yellow light flowing around them, but it doesn’t go far. The walkway looks like it comes straight out of some twisted medieval torture chamber. It’s fucking creepy as shit. Maybe this really is an old castle that they’ve got me in.

Just fucking perfect. A castle is exactly what I need. This place probably comes fully equipped with a million different rooms, a hundred kitchens, a thousand bathrooms, and the perfect murder chamber laid out to each of their specifications. Even if I did decide to run, I’d be lost within seconds.