‘So, he just happened to get in touch when he learned you’d left me and gave you his latest hard-luck story?’

‘We’ve always kept in touch.’

There was that defensive tone again, but she made no comment about his guess that her father had gone to her cap in hand.

When they’d married, Graham had acted as though all his luck had rolled in at once, fully expecting his new son-in-law to support him. Raul had given him short shrift. After that, he’d kept his distance. As soon as Raul was out of the picture he’d swooped straight back in.

‘So how does your father moving to Spain coincide with you visiting my sister?’ he demanded to know, pulling them back on track.

‘I went to visit my dad when he moved in and I dropped by to give Marta her books back,’ she said.

‘When did you borrow books from Marta?’ He didn’t think he’d ever seen Charley with a book in her hands.

‘Lots of times. She thought it would help me learn Spanish if I read books in the language.’

‘Why did you never tell me this?’

‘I thought you’d laugh at me.’

‘Why on earth would you think that?’

‘You laughed at me whenever I tried to speak it.’

Had he? He’d always thought her attempts at speaking his language were cute. If he’d laughed it had been with pride that she was trying to master it. Had she really interpreted it as him making fun of her? ‘I wasn’t laughing at you.’

She didn’t answer.

What did it matter anyway? Those days were gone.

‘And after you dropped the books back, then what? You decided to carry on seeing each other?’

‘It wasn’t like that. I just got in the habit of meeting up with her whenever I visited my dad, that’s all. We’d have a coffee and something to eat and then I’d leave. We were hardly conducting a high-level conspiracy.’

‘Yet you kept it a secret from my mother. And from me.’

Raul shook his head, unable to believe the treachery conducted between his wife and sister. To think they’d been conspiring to see each other behind his back made his brain burn.

Where did family loyalty come into his sister’s thinking? When Fabio had ended his relationship with Marta, Raul had been ready to kill him, not suggest they share cosy lunches together.

But then, Marta hadn’t had loyalty drummed into her as he had. For Marta, childhood and life itself had been a charm; she’d been doted upon by the father who only spoke to his son to pick fault with him.

‘Marta didn’t want to upset you,’ Charley said softly. ‘She said you would think she was being disloyal.’

‘You’re damn right she was disloyal. But I’m not upset.’

‘Then what are you?’

He forced his features into neutrality and glanced at her. ‘I’m not anything.’

Silence rang out, not even a whisper of sound to be heard until Charley said, ‘Nothing changes, does it?’

‘What are you talking about?’

Her voice was sad. ‘Nothing is allowed to be less than perfect, not even your own feelings.’

The silence suddenly filled with a roaring noise. It took a moment for him to realise the sound was in his own head.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

‘How much did you have to drink tonight?’ he asked, his voice tighter than he would like.

‘See? Rather than confront what I’ve said, you deflect it.’

He expelled a long push of air from his lungs and flexed the tension from his fingers. He would not allow her to provoke him into an argument. All arguing did was bring about a loss of control, which solved nothing. Raul had learned that at a young age. His father had seen to that.

He remembered once sitting at the dining table while his father had read through his school report, slowly picking it apart, demanding to know why he’d only received the second highest grade on his end-of-year maths exam. Raul had argued his point that he’d spent the month leading up to that exam in bed with a bacterial infection but his reasons had been met with a fist thumped on the table and the school report had been ripped into pieces and burned. For his nerve in arguing back he’d received a two-week grounding. Nothing was mentioned about the top grades he’d received in all his other subjects.

Marta’s report had been less than glowing academically but had been received by their father as if it were the best report ever written. Raul had been incensed at this double standard and, although Marta had begged him to keep quiet, he’d asked, reasonably, why they were being treated so differently. His insolence had been rewarded with an extra fortnight’s grounding.