‘When you asked if I could be happy with you, I lied. The truth is the two months we just spent together were the happiest of my life. The past fortnight without you has been the most miserable.’

He didn’t move, standing as still as the marble statues that encircled the atrium.

Her confidence almost deserted her but she was determined to plough on to the bitter end. He’d put his heart on the line two weeks ago and she’d rejected him. Even if he rejected her, she needed to say it. She would not spend the rest of her life regretting that she’d let this one chance of happiness slip through her fingers.

‘I’ve been a scared, stupid idiot. I’ve left you twice now and I wouldn’t blame you if you told me to get lost but, Raul...’ She took what felt like the deepest breath of her entire life. ‘I love you. I love you so much it hurts and I know I don’t deserve it but if you ever wonder if it could be third time lucky for us...’

She got no further. Raul spun round and in the blink of an eye had her up in his arms kissing her as if there were no tomorrow.

Joy and relief filling her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and burrowed herself into him.

For an age they stood there, Raul holding her securely, his mouth hot on hers, until he gently placed her back on her feet and clasped her cheeks in his hands to gaze intently into her eyes.

‘I thought that was it for us.’

She shook her head and clutched at his tuxedo jacket. ‘Never.’

‘I thought I’d lost you.’

‘Never. My heart has been yours since the day I met you.’

‘Cariño...’ Now Raul was the one to shake his head.

‘I love you. Totally.’ She smiled and traced her fingers across his jawline. ‘That bubble you were talking about? Do you think it’s possible to live straddling it? One foot in your world, one foot in mine?’

He laughed, a big, deep roar that filled her with such happiness she just had to kiss him again.

Disentangling himself, he stuck his hand into his trouser pocket and pulled out a small square box. ‘This is for you. It was supposed to be your birthday present.’

‘What is it?’

‘Open it and see.’

She flipped the lid open and immediately her heart jumped into her mouth. Nestled in the box was a white-gold and diamond eternity ring.

‘It’s beautiful,’ she whispered.

‘I bought it to show you that my love for you is for ever,’ he said, taking it out of the box and sliding it onto her empty ring finger.

It fitted perfectly.

‘See—now you are mine again.’

She beamed, happiness radiating through her.

‘Cariño, we will build our own bubble to live in,’ he said, placing a reverential kiss to her hand, ‘and we will love and celebrate all our imperfections in it.’

‘You, me and our babies?’

The laughter died, a serious expression forming in his eyes. ‘We will have children when you’re ready and not a day sooner. I don’t care for the perfect family any more—perfect is boring,’ he added with a crooked grin. ‘Our children will be an expression of our love and commitment, nothing else.’

‘How does seven months from now sound to you?’

The shock ringing from him was so palpable that Charley was the one to burst into laughter. ‘Yes, you wonderful man, you’re going to be a father.’

His eyes were so wide she feared they would pop out. ‘How?’

‘Do you remember that time in your office...?’ She laughed again at the widening of his eyes, relieved to have it out in the open, unable to keep the excitement and joy contained. ‘I didn’t even think about using contraception then.’

‘Nor did I,’ he admitted, looking completely dazed.

‘I took the test yesterday so it’s early days. I can’t tell you how happy I am...’ Her happiness dimmed a fraction. ‘You are happy too, aren’t you?’

‘Happy? Charley, I’ve just got the woman I love more than anything in the world back and I’ve learned I’m going to be a father. Happy doesn’t even come close.’

And there they stood on the deck of the ship, smothered in each other’s arms and kisses, oblivious to the passengers milling around them, oblivious to the envious smiles at their obvious, deep love for each other.


RAUL PLACED THE scissors to the pink ribbon tied across the front door and said proudly, ‘I declare the Poco Rio Madrid open.’

This was the third Poco Rio they’d opened; two more were in the pipeline.