He moved on too, sifting meticulously through the documents while I examined the final drawer. There was hardly anything to it since it’d been sectioned off into compartments and most were empty, but my gaze caught on the brush pattern of the velvet in the back corner. It looked like something had rubbed against it.

Holy shit. Did the thing have a false bottom?

I traced my fingers along the partition, and when I pushed down on the bottom, the spring-loaded panel popped open, revealing a small, secret compartment beneath. It was just big enough to store a folded stack of cash, or in this case, a USB stick drive.

I reached for him like I was worried if I took my eyes off the drawer, the compartment would disappear and the flash drive with it. “Vance.”

Papers rustled as he set them down. He saw what I’d found, because he immediately went for my purse. He retrieved the duplicator device and the blank mini drive we’d brought, hoping for just this scenario. I plucked the drive out of the tray and plugged it into the available slot, and when the red copy light began to flash, excitement raced through my bloodstream. Whatever files were on here, they were explosive; I could sense it.

“How much longer do you think we can stay in here?” I whispered.

He looked down at his watch. “I’ve been gone awhile.”

I nodded in understanding. When the drive was done copying, we’d need to go. He began to put the documents back in order while I peeled off the tape holding my amp and graph in place.

The red flashing light grew to two bars, meaning we were fifty percent done.

I finished stowing my gear and gave a cursory glance at the watch winding section of the Lagerfield, and a strange prickling sensation washed down my arms. One of the watches was not like the others. Its gold face was dull, and the leather band worn, and it looked much too old to have a self-charging battery.

My heart pounded like a cannon being fired repeatedly.

I knew this watch, but it made no sense how it could be here.

Vance’s question was rushed and worried. “What are you doing?”

I ignored him as I pulled out the black cuff, which was like a pillow that the watch was clasped around. It took me less than a second to undo the band. After all, I’d had years practicing on it. I turned it over, and my legs gave way, causing me to drop to the floor and a sob to well up in my chest.

I could barely get the words out. “It’s my father’s watch.”

“What?” He couldn’t believe it, but I didn’t blame him. I couldn’t believe it either. His shocked gaze darted from me to the watch in my hand. “You’re sure?”

“My grandfather’s initials are engraved on the back.” Tears sprung into my eyes, but I blinked them back. I’d already cried once in this room, and I didn’t want to do it a second time in front of him. “Why the fuck does he have this? And how? We buried my dad with it.”

Vance had no idea what to say. He simply stared at the gold watch that was a perfect fucking metaphor for all the time with my father Lambert had stolen from me. Bile burned up my throat as liquid fire. “I’m taking this.”

His eyes went impossibly wide. “No, Emery. I know you want to, but you can’t.”

“Fuck him,” I snarled. “It’s mine.”

“Look at me.” He put his hands on either side of my face, forcing my attention on him, and the smell of powdery latex from his gloves invaded my nose. His expression was pained. “If you take it, he’ll know we were here.”

“I don’t care. It belongs to me, and this might be my only chance.”

He hardened, maybe because we were out of time, and he had no choice. He needed to scare some sense into me. “Right now, if we get rid of that flash drive, there’s nothing to tie us to this safe. If you take this, that’s proof you committed a crime.”

When I tried to look away, he wouldn’t let me. He stared into my eyes with so much determination, it made the world stop.

“I know it isn’t right,” he whispered, “and it sure as shit isn’t fair, but, Emery . . . you can’t. Not tonight.” He brushed the lightest of kisses across my lips. “I promise you we’ll find another way.”

I closed my eyes and let him kiss me again, and I was sure if he could give me the strength to resist the temptation, he would. When the kiss ended, he lingered, his forehead pressed to mine.

“Okay?” he asked.

I was far from okay, but I understood what he was asking. I had to trust what he’d said. We’d get another chance. I swallowed a breath and forced the word out. “Okay.”