Was that wedding bells I could hear?

Probably not, but you know.

“Gabriella, I need a moment.” Aunt Cat touched my elbow.

“Of course, Aunt Cat. Let’s go outside. Some fresh air will do you well.” I let Miles know I was going, but I didn’t need to.

Because my father was making a beeline to him.

Oh, help me, Jesus.



“Miles, my boy.” The Duke of Bath approached me with a fresh drink in his hand. “As my daughter appears to have agreed to an intermission of the Hastings Family Show, can I get you a drink?”

That was a scarily accurate depiction of tonight.

“I would appreciate that, Lord Bath, thank you.”

“Please, call me Henry.”

That wasn’t going to happen.

He poured me a whiskey to match his and took me off to the side. “Gabriella tells me the two of you have decided to pursue a relationship.”

“Yes, sir, we have.” I shifted. “I know I’m not the kind of man you wanted for your daughter, but—”

“Are you a criminal?”


“Are you a serial cheater?”

“I’ve never cheated on anyone in my life, sir.”

“Are you evading the government?”

“I don’t think I could if I tried, much to my chagrin in tax season.”

He chuckled. “Then what’s the issue?”

“I’m aware you wanted her to marry into the gentry. An Earl, a Duke, even a Viscount or Baron, and I will never be that—”

“Miles.” He stopped me. “Do you intend make my daughter as happy as you possibly can?”

“I do, sir.”

“Do you intend to give your all to a relationship with her?”

“I do, sir, yes.”

“Do you see a real, earnest future with my daughter?”

“Yes, sir. I do.”

“Then, dear boy.” He touched my shoulder and turned us away from away, leading me into the hallway. “I do not care if you are a gardener or the future King of England. I do not care if you come with an estate the size of our own or a cottage. I do care very much about the person who will love my daughter, do you understand?”

I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Do you love my daughter?”

I didn’t have to think about it as I looked up at him. “I love her very much. It’s quite irritating.”

His face slowly broke into a smile that was remarkably like hers. “Then there’s no issue, is there? As long as you love her, the rest is just noise.”

“My grandpa said the same thing.”

“A wise man, your grandpa.” He smiled knowingly. “I should like for him to come for dinner, if you think he would be amenable to that.”

“I think he would.” I returned the smile. “Thank you, sir.”

“Of course.” He looked through the library doors, and I followed his gaze.

Gabi was laughing with her aunt Cat as they walked back through the doors. She was smiling and it was all so honest and I—

“Miles, one more thing, if I may?”

“Of course.” I dipped my head as he stepped closer to me.

“If, one day, the notion of marriage should cross your mind,” he said slowly. “And you should find yourself wishing to propose to Gabriella—”

“Sir, I—”

He laid a hand on my shoulder. “You do not need to ask my permission. You have my blessing.”

I inhaled sharply. “That’s a way in the future.”

“I’m sure.” He smiled, stepping back. “But you remind me an awful lot of my wife. She didn’t want to marry into the aristocracy either, you know? She took a lot of convincing.” He sipped his drink. “Yet she looked at me the same way you look at my daughter. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it?”

I looked at Gabriella who was now laughing with Alex and Adelaide who’d re-joined the conversation. “No, not really.”

Henry dipped his chin and chuckled. “You might just be right.”



“I can’t believe you’re stealing my best friend.” I pouted and looked at Alexander.

“Oh, it’s for six weeks. Don’t be daft. She’ll come home.” He pulled me into a hug. “Like she can stay away.”

Mm. I wasn’t entirely sure.

“You’re not to corrupt her, you hear me?”

“I’ve come all the way down here for the formal opening of your garden and this is how you’re talking to me?” he teased me. “Miles, can you not get her under control?”

“No,” my boyfriend said. “Nobody can. I thought everyone knew that.”

I laughed and pulled back. “Thank you for coming.”

“Don’t be silly. You have one more module, then you’re free to do the design course! Gabi, this area is phenomenal.” Alex grabbed my shoulders. “Do make time to visit this summer. I want you to design the rose garden.”

I pressed my hand to my chest. “You mean it?”

“Yes. Bring cuttings from here. I want to link our estates for future generations.” He looked to Miles. “Both of you, please. I’d love to get your professional opinion on our gardens. I’d like to do something similar at Bentley Manor, with the public gardens.”