Page 90 of Head Over Feels

His eyes search mine with a tenderness, a softness that punches me in the heart.

“I’m sorry,” I say, embracing him.

Wrapping his arms around me, he kisses my forehead. “You don’t have to be.”

“But I am.”

He takes my hand and leads me to the windowsill, where we sit across from each other. “Look, Tealey, this is an unusual situation. We thought it made sense to hide our relationship for the time being. Things change. We evolve. And though we just made that decision, it’s not set in stone.” Bridging the gap that divides us, he caresses my cheek. I lean into his comfort as he takes my other hand and kisses my palm. “I don’t want us to hide. That’s how I feel inside. The man who wins awards for staying single wants to show the rest of the world how I feel.”

I kiss his palm and then hold it between us, realizing that though this is hard to talk about, I’m glad I did. “Real sounds very official, Mr. Wellington.”

Taking my hands, he brings me in closer and then leans in so we’re just a breath apart. “It is official. You feel right.” Our lips meet in the middle again, and then he adds, “You. This. And us. I’d shout it from the rooftops if that’s what you want.”

My smile comes quick, my heart turning from ice to a blazing fire because of the lack of shame in his confession. “What do you suggest?”

His eyes are set, a determination tightening his brows. “What you need matters to me.”

My heart constricts. “I know, and I appreciate that. But what you want and need matters to me, too. And I know the promotion is important. I shouldn’t have put you in that spot . . . I was just jealous.”

“I didn’t make it easy, but I do want to make it up to you.” His expression is bright, as if all the solutions we’ve been searching for have been found. “We start by telling our friends and family, the people who matter most.” These are the words I was craving to hear, but at what cost am I getting what I want?

It’s not just the two of us in this relationship. There are six, and I can’t pretend what’s happening in their lives doesn’t matter. “What about Cammie and Cade’s wedding?”

Sincere eyes that warm my insides when he looks into mine shine light into the nooks and crannies of my heart, finding a way to fill them. “You know they’ll be happy for us.” He grins. “I want this with you. No more apartment-only dates or hiding how we feel at dinner with our friends. We walk around holding hands when we want to. We kiss if we feel like kissing. Is that something you want with me?”

My smile is wide and bright at the idea of being together outside of the apartment. “Of course,” I reply without hesitation, getting a taste of a future that felt unattainable before. “I don’t remember a time when I didn’t. I only remember resisting the urge to breathe life into my dreams.”

A sense of relief washes through his strong features. “I’ll just assure Marlow that I’ll play my part with her father.” Holding me firmer around my lower back, he says, “But I’m not willing to sacrifice what makes you, Tealey Bell, and me happy.”

“I want that. It helps Marlow and you, but it gives me something to hold on to.”

I bend back, soaking in the sunshine of this new opportunity before hugging him and kissing his neck. He says, “When we’re ready, whenever you’re ready, we can go public for the rest of the world to see how happy you’ve made me.” We kiss, and it deepens quickly.

When I catch my breath, I say, “You’re such a romantic.” The words fall from my tongue. What a change we’ve become. From attraction to friends to lovers and now all those wonderful things rolled into one—together.

* * *

I wake before my alarm goes off. Reaching over, I don’t find my phone on the nightstand. I sit propped up on my elbows and look around.

With his eyes still closed, Rad mumbles, “What are you doing?”

“I thought I was in my room.”

His arm slides over my middle, and he pulls me across the sheet to him. I smile, running my nails over his tan shoulder. He says, “You’re in mine.”

“I know. But I’m starting to think we’re living together but still on our own.”

His eyes finally open. “Huh?”

I lie back down, facing him. Tucking my hands under my cheek, I ask, “I know it’s fast to move in together, but we’ve already done it. My room feels so far from you sometimes.”

Since he’s barely awake, I’m probably not catching him at a great time, but what’s time when you’re in bed with your boyfriend?