Page 37 of Head Over Feels

“So, women in your personal life too?” Cade asks again.

“Probably.” Because I’m going to be in a whole lot of trouble if I keep letting my time with Tealey veer off sideways into areas we shouldn’t travel.

A hot pink lace thong comes to mind, and I can’t say any of my thoughts on those have been platonic.

Cade would kick my ass if he found out. Tealey’s like a little sister to him and Cammie. She spends the most time with them, eating dinner over there at least once a week.

Not sure if he’s joking since his expression turns serious when he crosses his arms over his chest. “When did this start? Are there any other symptoms?”

“Clammy hands. I’ve got ’em.” I hold up my hands and then press two fingers to my wrist, fighting a smile “Racing pulse. And sometimes,” I say, restraining a chuckle. “I even hear birds singing, but when I look around, there are none.” Cade’s eyes grow wide as he pretends to be concerned. “What’s wrong with me? Give it to me straight, doc.”

He moves in front of me, his large frame blocking the view. “Hate to tell you this, but you’re either about to have a heart attack or . . .”

“Or?” He sounds so serious, keeping me on pins and needles.

“You might be in love.”

I think my performance was too convincing, maybe even Oscar-worthy. “I think I’ll get a second opinion.” I burst out laughing.

In love?

Me? That’s a stretch.

Who would I possibly be in love wi—Shit.

Blond hair. Bright blue eyes . . . Nah. Not possible. I even cringe at the term crush. Infatuation probably works better. It was a short-lived infatuation back in college.

Nothing more.

Never has been.

Holding his hands up in surrender, Cade says, “I’m just a Sunday afternoon armchair sports enthusiast. I can write you a prescription to watch a day of sports to get your balls back, but that’s the best I can do.” I receive another well-meaning pat on the shoulder. He finally breaks into a grin, a shit-eating one at that. “But here’s the good news. Although I know it’s scary for you to develop feelings for the first time, worse things could happen, Rad.”

I let my posture sag, you know, to add dramatic effect from learning that I might have caught a case of “feelings” for the first time. “Like what?”

Stepping back a few feet, he laughs. “Like having an actual heart attack.”

“Don’t put that into the universe.”

“Eh, you’ve never been superstitious,” he says, kicking a rock into the grass.

“There’s a first time for everything.”

He punches me in the arm, and teases, “Like joining the love club.”

“I’m not in love, Cade.” Even though we’re joking around, I don’t know why his words hit close to home. My neck is itchy under the collar, so I pull at it. Ah, fuck it. I tug my tie loose and undo my top button. “And I’m definitely not in the club.”

“It’s good in the club. The club serves tacos every Tuesday. Do you get tacos every Tuesday?”

“I don’t want tacos every Tuesday. I had them on Monday, and I’m pretty fucking sure they taste the same.”

“Sex whenever you want it.”

I cock an eyebrow for two reasons. One—I don’t want to hear about him getting sex. It’s just a reminder of how long it’s been for me. Not long for some, but for me, too long. Two—I know for a fact he doesn’t get it whenever he wants it. Cammie is in control of that relationship hands down. “You’re reaching.”

“Very funny,” he replies humorlessly.

Shrugging with a smirk, I say, “I have my moments.” Moving around the car, I lean against it. “As entertaining as this has been, I need to get back. I have work to do before tonight.”

“What’s tonight?”

“A guy who gets tacos every Tuesday and copious amounts of sex shouldn’t be interested in my boring life as a bachelor.”

Cade pulls a face, rolling his eyes. “C’mon, Rad. If you’re not fessing up about who you love, tell me you’re finally calling that fitness model back. Just one more night living the life—”


“Nah. You just seem like you need to get laid.”

He’s probably right. My dick is messing with my head. I’m about to get in the car, but add, “And stop saying I’m in love. It could ruin my reputation.”

“And make people think you have a heart? Don’t worry, you picked the right profession to throw ’em off the scent.”

“Look who the funny guy is now.”

“Back to the fitness model. Angela?” I nod, letting him have his fun. “She’s no Cammie, but damn, dude, she’s worth a callback. If you’re not calling her tonight, who are you calling, or should I say falling for?” I should have known I’d get interrogated. Even a hint of blood in the water summons the sharks.