Page 100 of Head Over Feels

Primping her hair playfully, she wiggles her hips. “A girl can dream.”

Less than two months ago, she confessed the pain of dealing with insecurities caused by other men. Tonight, I reap the benefits for caring for her heart and watering the seeds of her beauty. I can’t take all the credit. I’ve watched her bloom on her own for years. But the woman before me tonight has me grateful that I was given the chance.

What she doesn’t realize is she’s done the same for me—watering me with what I needed before I even realized I was in the middle of a drought.

Suddenly, I’m hopeful that my breath isn’t bad because I take hold of her, walking her backward into the privacy of the room until the back of her knees hit the arm of the couch. “How long have you been waiting for me?

“Everyone was exhausted after the rehearsal dinner, so we called it an early night. I was reading in the window seat of my room and had only got a chapter in when I saw your car.”

“Same rock star hero? What was his name?”

“Johnny Outlaw. And no, though I do love him and will reread again next year. It’s sort of a tradition, like Christmas for me to reread my favorite books. Currently though, I’m reading the first book in The Crow Brothers’ series, Jet Crow’s book. It’s called Spark.” I only hope I can put that same spark in her eyes that these rock stars do.

I kiss her because I missed her so fucking much—her rambling about books and life, this body, and her smile, the smile that knocks me on my ass every time she beams it my way.

I may have had a small, aka HUGE, crush on Tealey Bell, but now I realize that so much of it was superficial. It was about her beauty and how, out of all the students, we ran into each other that day. Never in a million years did I think I’d get to be the guy on the receiving end of hearing about her daily life, and it’s better than I could have ever imagined. Everything is better with her in my life.

She’s still talking, not realizing the moment I was having. I see sharing a future with someone for the first time. She continues, “You might enjoy this one. He’s a lot like you. He’s charming and brooding—”

“Brooding?” I’m not sure if I should be offended. “Charming, sure. But you think I’m brooding?”

Caressing my cheek, she leans closer as a shiver runs through her. “I think you’re incredibly sexy when you get that intense look in your eyes, the one that tells me I better brace myself without you having to say a word.” She massages my shoulders, and I lean into her touch. “Oh, by the way, I volunteered to fill you in on how to walk down the aisle.”

“One step at a time until I reach the front?” I deadpan.

“You got it. I can check that off my list.”

“Speaking of lists and checking things off, you do realize you’re still naked in front of me, right?”

“I do,” she says and then bursts out laughing. “See? I’m in the theme of the weekend.”

“You’re delirious is what you are.”

She shrugs. “It’s been a long day. Que será.” Running a finger down my chest, she says, “But since I am naked, maybe you’d like to get naked with me.”

“And then we could check out my movie collection?”

“I think the kids call it streaming these days.” When her hand dips to my dick, it’s already ready for her and standing at attention. She rubs twice before taking hold of me. “I bet you know a thing or two about streaming, Counselor.”

“I sure do.”

As if she had to say anything more, I kiss her, and we “watch movies” for the next few hours . . .

~ The Wedding Day ~

It’s a happy occasion, or it’s supposed to be.

Not seeing Tealey since she snuck out of my room around five o’clock is getting to me. One of the best nights of my life should allow for the best morning to follow. I don’t get that, though, because we’re still a secret. The only comfort I found in that empty spot next to me was the fact that we’re going public at the reception. And then she’s mine all the time to do as I please.

If I want to kiss her? I can.

Holding her in my arms for no reason? Yep, I can do it.

Tell her I love her? The floor is mine.

Wait . . . Do I want to tell her I love her tonight?

That might be taking it too far, even if I do feel that way about her. Baby steps, Wellington. Not everything has to be revealed at the same time. I think big gestures can wait until we’re back home in New York, and it’s just the two of us.