“You’re not engaged? One of my clients called me, practically crowing with the news. She said her aunt was here and saw the whole thing,” Amy said.

“What she saw was me yelling out I love you to Ian.” Before I could explain Ian jumped in.

“I told her I loved her first and she could take her time letting me know how she felt. It took all but a few seconds for her to scream it out,” Ian said with a chuckle and waved a waitress over. “Two more champagne glasses please so our friends can join in the celebration.”

Amy’s hand went to rest at her chest. “I’m so relieved, not that I don’t want you to not be engaged, but I want first notice. And I’m so happy that you both admitted to each other what everyone else knows.”

“She’s got that right,” Beau said with a laugh. “We were wondering what was taking so long.”

More champagne was poured and glasses clinked.

“You know this misinformed news has spread by now,” Amy said. “You should call your parents before things get out-of-hand.”

“Pepper Euphemia Madison!”

Too late. It already had. I didn’t have to look to see it was my dad, my full name said it all.

Ian leaned over to me. “I didn’t know you carried your aunt’s name.”

“Not many did until now,” I said as my dad marched over to me in a dad stride not a sheriff stride.

“Your mother is beside herself—”

“I doubt that Dad. Mom’s been waiting to plan my wedding since the day I was born.”

“It’s true, yo—”

“Not true,” I quickly said.

My dad grabbed a chair from a nearby table and joined us, Amy scooting closer to Beau for my dad to sit between her and me. “Your mom insisted it was just gossip that we would be the first to know when you got engaged.”

Amy’s hand shot up. “Me too!”

“What’s the champagne for?” my dad asked.

“Love,” I said and raised my glass. My dad’s brow wrinkled in question, and I explained it all to him.

“You’re going to have your hands full with her,” my dad said with a laugh to Ian.

“I’m looking forward to every minute of it, sheriff,” Ian said and took hold of my hand. “I’d offer you champagne, but I know you don’t drink while on duty.”

“Just got off duty, son, so I’ll have a glass,” my dad said, and Ian got the waitress once again, and ordered a bunch of appetizers, Beau throwing in his favorite—hot wings.

“Now you’re talking,” my dad said, rubbing his hands together. “But we’re going to need some beer with that.”

Beau gave a thumbs up. “Nice cold ones.”

I stared at my dad. “You’re settling in, which means Mom’s on her way here, isn’t she?”

He grinned wide and gave a wave.

“A celebration!”

Once again, I didn’t have to look. Between my dad’s wave and the excited voice, it couldn’t be anyone but my mom.

Tabby came over with the waitress and added another table to ours, so we’d have enough room.

“Not engaged, in love,” my dad said when he stood and held a chair out for my mom.

Ian leaned close to me to whisper, “If they get this excited over finding out we’re in love, ah cannae imagine what they would have done if we had actually gotten engaged.” His eyes shot up again. “Josh just landed.”

I looked to see my brother out of uniform which meant it was his day off. He marched like a commandant about to scold his men.

“It’s true and you’re celebrating without me, Danny, and Thomas?” Josh demanded when he reached the table.

“You know better than that,” my mom scolded with a smile and explained.

And of course, Josh joined us, and more food and champagne and beer were ordered.

“You better text Danny and Thomas,” Josh warned.

“You do it since you’re probably the one who got them riled up,” I accused.

Josh laughed. “It was Danny, the news hitting the garden center fast and spreading like some of those spread-like-wildfire plants he sells.”

Talk and laughter continued, and it wasn’t until hours later and a bill that Ian refused to let me split, that we finally left.

Once in his SUV, he leaned over, his arm slipping around my waist to tug me close and kiss me—a kiss that stole my breath and my senses.

He rested his brow to mine when it ended. “Alone time, Pep. I want some alone time with you.”

A cell rang and it wasn’t mine.

“That wasn’t scheduled for tonight,” Ian said annoyed, and his arm left my waist.

I wanted to pull his arm back and I wanted more than a kiss. This was seriously getting serious, which meant it wouldn’t be long before we found ourselves in bed together. A thought I finally had no objections to.

“I have a shoot that has to be done tonight. It’s for an advertising company I have a contract with and the launch for the ad was changed. I need to see to this pronto. It’s going to take a while, possibly until late tonight.”